Sorry leo - I haven't tried Abilify before and am crashing into an abyss of extreme severity.. Not sure if I should try it now to see if I can save myself?
Can’t advise you on such things unfortunately, though I’m sorry to hear about your situation. I know how you feel, in a similar place for the last few months. There are risks with everything, I was fortunate that low dose Abilify gave me a wonderful 4 months, from bedridden to almost normal. Then benefits slowly started reducing over a few months until I decided to stop to try and reset tolerance. Reverted back to where I was before Abilify. In a month or so I’m ready to try it again it will be like 6 months.
Low dose Abilify takes a couple weeks or so to start working it seems in pwME for who it works, you need to be on the right low dose for you and it has to accumulate enough in your body. It won’t initially feel like it’s working at all, but then, if it works for you, your will feel most or all of your ME symptoms virtually melt away over a couple days about two weeks into taking it.
Being non-stop ill for so many years, that feeling of being much of myself again was fucking fantastic. I was in tears I remember, I totally forgot what it felt to feel like that, to feel more or less normal, it had been so many damn years! It was so depressing when it started feeling that maybe down the road it wasn’t going to last. I really hope I’m in the subset of people that can cycle and it will work again after 5-6 month break, but I’m not getting my hopes up I have pretty textbook post-viral ME and nothing else has temporarily worked for me at all except for ld Abilify and keto.