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A2 milk - helpful?


Fine, thank you
I stumbled across the notion of A2 vs A1 milk yesterday. Apparently there are two forms of casein in milk - A1 and A2 - and there are claims that we're more likely to be OK with the A2 variety. Animals produce A1, A2 or a mix, depending on their genetic heritage. In cows, it depends on the breed and in the UK, you can buy A2 milk that's labelled as such, sold by the A2 Milk Company and stocked quite widely in supermarkets, it seems (at least online).

Does anyone have experience/thoughts on this? I thought I'd try some. For me, it may (or may not, always hard to tell) be a migraine trigger and cause some nasal stuffiness, but going without it is leaving me short on calcium.


Senior Member
I'm not sure about A2 milk, sorry! But if you're interested in getting some calcium through dairy, I think kefir might be another alternative as the fermentation process (apparently) causes the casein to become partially digested by the probiotic microbes, therefore making it easier to digest. It is also full of other nutrients, and in particular vitamin K2 which you might find difficult to get through other food sources (brie and red wine are apparently full of K2 as well).

Plus it could be good for your microbiome, which is obviously a hot topic.

sarah darwins

Senior Member
Cornwall, UK
This came up in a thread a while back ... http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...g-adults-with-chronic-fatigue-syndrome.44693/

and in a much older one .... http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/a2-milk-anybody-tried-it.5338/

funnily enough ... (you keep asking, Sasha, about things I've just tried ... are you spying on me??? :cool:) I bought some A2 milk last week and used nothing else for 2 days but no obvious difference for me. I don't have any evidence of lactose intolerance so it was just curiosity.


Senior Member
I stumbled across the notion of A2 vs A1 milk yesterday. Apparently there are two forms of casein in milk - A1 and A2 - and there are claims that we're more likely to be OK with the A2 variety. Animals produce A1, A2 or a mix, depending on their genetic heritage. In cows, it depends on the breed and in the UK, you can buy A2 milk that's labelled as such, sold by the A2 Milk Company and stocked quite widely in supermarkets, it seems (at least online).

Does anyone have experience/thoughts on this? I thought I'd try some. For me, it may (or may not, always hard to tell) be a migraine trigger and cause some nasal stuffiness, but going without it is leaving me short on calcium.

We came across a2 milk at a mums' morning tea on the first day of a new schools (dads were also invited, but guess who hangs around at these things?). That year's intake was full of allergy-ridden kids, and those who could drink milk at all drank a2. The conversation could have been a staged advertisement for a2 milk - people were so enthused.

So we tried it, and within days, a persistent dry cough had lasted years suddenly disappeared. We recommended it to a neighbour, and her gut pain left. She put her daughter on it, and her acne resolved itself. They recommended it to others, and so it goes on.

There's a reason this stuff had gained market share even before it started advertising - it really is very good for those who need it.

It makes a difference for only one person in our whole extended family, but the difference is worth it.

(The one with me/cfs needs lactose free, but that's another story.)

I'd say that it's worth a try, especially if nasal stuffiness is your issue. As for migraine, people seem to like b2 (riboflavin). I suggest it to a lady at work, and she hasn't experienced a migraine since.


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
When I get milk products, 'stuffiness' doesn't encompass it -- I can't breathe!

I wish this were available commercially in the US -- I'll have to hunt around.



Senior Member
Ah, yes! I've heard of this and researched it a couple years ago. It's really fascinating stuff. Does anyone know where you can buy it in the US? Which brand of milk uses A2 cows? I assume it's going to be from a local dairy farm.


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
Ah, yes! I've heard of this and researched it a couple years ago. It's really fascinating stuff. Does anyone know where you can buy it in the US? Which brand of milk uses A2 cows? I assume it's going to be from a local dairy farm.

Check Sasha's response to me, above. However, nowhere near me.... :(



Fine, thank you
Check Sasha's response to me, above. However, nowhere near me.... :(


Don't give up! It depends on the herd. There must be people doing this in the US...

Also check out sheep's milk, goats', buffaloes' etc. - not sure of their A2 status.


Senior Member
My sister is much healthier than me but A1 milk causes acne for her. She can drink as much A2 milk as she pleases and nothing happens, clear skin!

I was dairy-free for 2 years when I began to have low calcium issues. So I went back to consuming it and it was a roller coaster until I settled with A2 casein. Problems disappeared. Not even the yogurt caused me problems, on the contrary. Next step is to try milk.


Fine, thank you
My sister is much healthier than me but A1 milk causes acne for her. She can drink as much A2 milk as she pleases and nothing happens, clear skin!

I was dairy-free for 2 years when I began to have low calcium issues. So I went back to consuming it and it was a roller coaster until I settled with A2 casein. Problems disappeared. Not even the yogurt caused me problems, on the contrary. Next step is to try milk.

Wow... that's really good to know. I'm concerned about my calcium levels.


Senior Member
Wow... that's really good to know. I'm concerned about my calcium levels.
I forgot to mention that my symptoms were hellish itchy rash, would wake up in the middle of the night scratching my whole legs (worse at lower calves) :wide-eyed:, and God knows what other symptoms it caused as well :cautious:

A1 dairy is a lot of histamines!
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