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A womans bad reaction to Deplin


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
Her symptoms sound a lot like withdrawals and dissociation/Depersonalization, I speak strictly through my own experiences here. I don't know if deplin is the only thing at play in this case, The only possible major issue she should have run into was creating a worse b12 deficiency, as taking high dose folate without b12 in that case makes it worse. That being said it more so masks symptoms then makes it worse directly, perhaps she needs b12 and caused some major de tox or stirred something up that was in her system with it. I really don't know if deplin could actually cause any kind of damage on its own, Valium has far more chance of severe side effects and reactions then methyl folate, especially dealing with withdrawals. Nevertheless it definitely seemed the folate triggered something as well so important to resolve that.