A treatment that helps me tremendously

Aidan Walsh

Senior Member
Vit. D can help others also that havn't been diagnosed with MS. The fact that Vit. D helps someone to feel better does not mean they might have MS
Not sure if I'm understanding. I don't think there are antibodies test for MS?
That was what Ron Davis mentioned recently an antibodies test used for MS he also mentioned some are now on MS Medicine a specific type I do not recall now what it was

Aidan Walsh

Senior Member
MS was tested. I don't have it. Even my brain was scanned with MRI.
patients in the past have shown lesions in ME/CFS & they disappear. This is not an MRI diagnosis it is an antibodies test he said & many with ME/CFS have instead Ehlers Danlos Syndrome types in numerous studies


Senior Member
patients in the past have shown lesions in ME/CFS & they disappear. This is not an MRI diagnosis it is an antibodies test he said & many with ME/CFS have instead Ehlers Danlos Syndrome types in numerous studies
Well, I don't have EDS either. It has been tested. My friend has it. But where I live, you don't get MS diagnosis without MRI. But what I think is, that my condition hasn't changed worse since year 2011, so if it would be MS, shouldn't my condition have been changed? Except, that I feel better than ever since 2011, after injected vitamin D and vitamin B12, and being in sunshine.

But what ever I have, it doesn't matter, because I am not able to use any oral medication. It is what it is...

Nord Wolf

The Northman
New England
I will fly to Spain again on the 23rd of September. I got my last dose of sunshine with UVI 3 one week ago, only for two hours, and before that the sun was rarely shining, so I am slowly starting to feel the difference. I need my sunshine. And it shouldn't take more than a week or two sunbathing to feel OK again.
Hey Man,
Guess you are in sunny Spain by now! Good for you! We are on the steady march towards winter up here in the mountains. Luckily it has dried out a bit so I'm able to get the slim level of UVs about 3 days a week. The rest is cloud covered and many days are too chilly for laying in the paling sun anymore.

Just returned from a week medical intensive in North Carolina. My wife and I returned home less than a week before the big hurricane decimated the western North Carolina region.

Hope this finds you recharging the old body solar batteries.


Senior Member
Hey Man,
Guess you are in sunny Spain by now! Good for you! We are on the steady march towards winter up here in the mountains. Luckily it has dried out a bit so I'm able to get the slim level of UVs about 3 days a week. The rest is cloud covered and many days are too chilly for laying in the paling sun anymore.

Just returned from a week medical intensive in North Carolina. My wife and I returned home less than a week before the big hurricane decimated the western North Carolina region.

Hope this finds you recharging the old body solar batteries.
Hi @Nord Wolf

Yes, here I am, in Spain, untill to the 14th of November, and sunshine is helping nicely. And methylcobalamin injections work too. After injecting 2,5 months my anxiety and stress are gone. Sometimes I may feel a bit stressed but very rarely.

The following symptoms have disappeared with these injection and maybe because of sunshine too: depression, anxiety, psychological stress, brain fog and problems to concentrate. It may be because of sunshine but it may be that the injections help too, so that I can walk more than before without getting tired. I used to walk 2,5km a day. Now I walk some 3,5km a day, sometimes 4,0km a day without problems.

My brain work a bit better too. I can talk with people longer than before.

It will be interesting to know how I feel around the beginning of february. If the injections work I should have no problems to live at home without help. If not, I will have problems but I will also have some help. And then I fly back to Spain again around the beginning of February 2025. If the injections do not work without sunshine, then It will be hard time for me (with travelling and stuff) untill sunshine starts to work again.


Senior Member
After a couple of mistakes (walking too much) I have to say that I thought that I can walk more than before, but NO! I can not.

There is also a new challenge. Before I started to inject vitamin B12, I always knew before hand if I am about to do too much, because I started to have a little anxiousness and deppression. Now, because of vitamin B12, I don't have anxiousness or deppression. So, I find out too late, that I have done too much. This leads to a mild PEM without any warning. Now I have to watch out very carefully, that I will not do too much. An Electric kickbike will help me taking the dog out with less walk. That will help.
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Senior Member
I have been able to walk 5000 to 11 000 steps a day during the last 10 days. This Spring I could barely walk 3500 to 4000 steps a day. I am not sure how this is possible. It is either the sunbathing that helps me more than before or the vitamin B12 injections that I have started to inject in the beginning of July. I inject 2500 mcg every second day. Or maybe they both give me such a boost. I haven't had PEM despite of walking so much. My muscles work well. My two only CFS symptoms are that I am not able to talk with people more than a couple of hours a day. Big improvement there too. And my memory hasn't improved much.

I will know on February how much these injections help, because I live in dark Finland without sunshine for December and January.

EDIT, 20th of October: 10 000 steps per day are too much. Makes me a bit tired and causes a little bit depression. My quess is that some 7000 steps per day could be my new upper limit.
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Senior Member
I have been able to walk 5000 to 11 000 steps a day during the last 10 days. This Sring I could barely walk 3500 to 4000 steps a day. I am not sure how this is possible. It is either the sunbathing that helps me more than before or the vitamin B12 injections that I have started to inject in the beginning of July. I inject 2500 mcg every second day. Or maybe they both give me such a boost. I haven't had PEM despite of walking so much. My muscles work well. My two only CFS symptoms are that I am not able to talk with people more than a couple of hours a day. Big improvement there too. And my memory hasn't improved much.

I will know on February how much these injections help, because I live in dark Finland without sunshine for December and January.
Is it right to assume then that taking a B12 by injection is significantly superior to tablet form?


Senior Member
Is it right to assume then that taking a B12 by injection is significantly superior to tablet form?
Well, all the studies that have been made, were done using injections. But some CFS patients claim that sublingual methylcobalamine should do the trick. But I wouldn't be so sure, because the dosage with the injections is so high, that no other means can provide that big of a dose.
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Senior Member
Here in UK then how would one go about having B12 injections. I'm pretty sure that way back around 1990 I was having vitamin B injections myself. Not sure which vitamin Bs it was, if it was individual ones or a mixture of them. Anyway, I don't recall any benefit.


Senior Member


Senior Member
Thanks for that. So you're on 2500 mcg every other day. I live in Suffolk and wondering what sort of practitioner I'd try to find to perform this.


Senior Member
I flew back to Finland on the 14th of November. This Autumn was the best since 2011, when I got sick. I was feeling fine for two weeks at home. Then I got sick. I thought at first that I got a flew. Now I am thinking that it was a covid. I have been sick now for 19 days. But I am getting better. I am quite tired and feel week. I have dizziness. Part of this sickness is a bowel inflammation, which causes fatigue. So, it is hard to know how much sunshine helped me for December, because I am otherwise so sick. Let's see how is the situation at January.

Merry Christmas!


Senior Member
All i can say is this, when my MECFS was Very Mild . One month or week i could walk 100-1000 steps a day, and one week- month i could do anything but run which would cause PEM, golf was a regular sport i took up after i could no longer run and lost that strength for contact sports.. anyhow.. when i was mild i had ups and downs that i mostly put to placebo or oxidative stress going up and down or whatever causes brain fog and Dysautonomia levels being at its lowest or yet existing,, Once i become severe and housebound. Nothing has gone up, besides gradual improvement from the baseline drop at its worse (a bedbound to Housebound level)


Senior Member
I arrived to Spain on the 1st of February. I was in better condition than ever since year 2011. I could cook and take care of my dog and shoop groceries. But I was tired. The sun has been shining 3 hours a day with UV-index 3 or a bit more. After 12 days of sunbathing Instarted to notice positive effects. I can noeåw walk more 4000 steps per day and do light exercise with rubber band.

The best thing happened to me is that my anxiety and mood changes are gone, because of methylcobalamin injections. I am now quite sure that injections are the reason for why I am able to use my brain quite well and walk so much.

I have met a finnish woman, who is romantically interested of me. I have a crush on her 🤭 We meet here in Spain on April and later on in Finland.

I will let you know more about my health later when I have something new to tell.