90% cured from bed bound with Histrelief / Histame / Daosin

Sydney, Australia
I believe it. I have had many paradoxical reactions to supplements and medications. We are so complex.
I will be interested to hear from the experts.

I did try Histame last night and I believe I had a slight reduction of pain, not sure.


Hi Lucy,

I really hope the Histame helps you. I was pleased to read in another post that it enabled you to enjoy a beer, as we sacrifice so many of life's little pleasures to this illness.

Montague, MA
Thank you. Yes it was a pleasure. Tomatoes are in season now and I am enjoying them as well. I bought a small package, not knowing of they wld work but I am going to reorder a big box. I think they make a difference.
Yes to the small pleasures.
Hello! I see the last post here was in 2011. I HOPE some of you are still around because I can relate to SO many things written here that make me sound crazy to someone who doesn't have whatever "it" is that I'm suffering from. Things like:

- I, too, only take a DROP (whatever touches my tongue) of Children's Bubble Gum Benadryl because it will most likely knock me out. In fact, I am hyper sensitive to all medicines and a tiny tiny bit goes a long way with my system.

- I, too, feel really "off" after shampooing/drying/fixing my hair some days. My theory was always that it's my shoulders aching so badly, and that raising my arms up will trigger the nausea and feeling "off" if that day it is prone to do so.

- I, too, just started taking Daosin and HISTAME. I am about 6 days in. My whole life the word "Histamine" has haunted me. Always allergies, always Sudafed (in the old days - 15-20+ years ago), always food sensitivities.

Does anyone else here suffer from excessive clear thick mucus? I am constantly choking on this and spitting it out. It drips from my sinus, and I feel it comes up from my stomach.

There is so much to discuss, but I want to make sure I am not talking to an empty room.


Senior Member
Welcome to PR, @CantGiveUp, glad you found a place that "gets" it!

Yes, I have the clear gluey mucus thing too. And histamine intolerance, but I'm not doing a whole lot to address it. With so much going on, it's so hard to know what to go after and when.o_O


Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
I just noticed that Daosin can be bought in the US from Amazon. But it appears to contain the same ingredient as Histame. Might be manufactured differently, though.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I just noticed that Daosin can be bought in the US from Amazon. But it appears to contain the same ingredient as Histame. Might be manufactured differently, though.

Same stuff I think. I was told they were interchangeable.



Be Strong!
I have clear mucus, thick stuff, it did not go down the back side so I woud get sinus infections. This past month I have started to rinse with Baby Shampoo, yep that's right. It brakes up Biofilm, a house that holds bacteria safe from antibiotics. I am still working out the kinks (i over shampood and dried out my sinus). Allergist told me about this astronot emollient for the sinus. It does help, but still working on how many rinse with shampoo - to how many rinses with astronot snot juice.


Senior Member
This was a very interesting thread. Of course any thread with 90% cured,is a great one. I'm intrigued by Diamine Oxidase (Histame / Daosin). I suspect I suffer from Histamine intolerance. A number of the high Histamine foods are not good for me, but things like fish & sardines are fine. I generally just avoid the foods that are bad. I'm surprised why the original poster could not simply do that rather than take HISTAME. I'm tempted to try it,but wish it was cheaper, but I gather the benefit would be that I could then eat more high histamine foods.

Can anyone here tell me does the issue of histamine intolerance extend beyond foods. Is it involved in all allergy reactions like say with pollens/grasses/dust mites. I guess I want to know does HISTAME help beyond allowing us to be able to eat more foods.

The OP was bed bound, so it sounded to me like that means more than just food intolerance, though she did suspect it stemmed from her digestive system. I still have gut issues and have food intolerances that extend beyond just foods high in histamine. A diet high in meat and grains give me some trouble. (tried numerous digestive enzymes + HCL).


Senior Member
It's been a long time since I've been to this forum, but an internet search on Daosin brought up this thread. After doing an elimination diet (which I'm still on) I found I have multiple food intolerances. I also suspect I have a histamine intolerance. I would like to try Daosin, but it contains rice (which really didn't work for me) and pork (which also didn't work for me but was less bad than rice).

So, for now I will cut out the avocados, which is basically the only food I'm eating regularly that is high in histamine. I also need to freeze my turkey after making it to reduce the histamine content.

Would love to hear from others if anyone else is still trying this supplement or suspect that they have histamine or other food intolerances.


iherb code TAK122

I didn't know that about turkey. I cook all my meat fresh every day as I thought meat increased in histamine after being cooked. If it is the case this will save me a hell of a lot of effort.


Senior Member
Hi Maryb~
I can't find a LOT of information about meat and histamine content. What I can find is that bacteria which is on the meat (even cooked meat) can convert histidine to histamine at room or refrigerator temperatures but not at freezer temperatures. It even seems that raw meat can increase in histamine content over time, but not as fast as cooked meat.

I just wrote this about my histamine journey.

All the best,


Senior Member

I buy a large organic chicken every two weeks, cook it, take the meat off the bones, in strips and freeze the meat. It takes no time to defrost it for meals, usually salads and l get about 9 meals from it. The bones go for stock or frozen to make it later which becomes soup, cauliflower being the favourite ATM.
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iherb code TAK122
Well that's good to know about freezing meat.

so I will try cooking a larger batch, maybe even a whole chicken like you do, good tip, save me a whole lot of effort.
Now if only I could find something to bring my cholesterol down:(


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Hello! There is so much to discuss, but I want to make sure I am not talking to an empty room.

I've not really perused this thread, or done much research on histamine intolerance in general. I will just mention that I'm currently taking 4-6 grams of Liposomal Vitamin C daily. Many purported benefits to that, with one of them being a lowering of histamine levels in the body. My understanding is that quercetin also lowers histamine.

@CantGiveUp, welcome to the forum! --- Now that I've posted on this thread, I'll be notified of any additional replies. So you can be assured you won't be talking to an empty room :). I'm currently beginning to do a bit more research into histamine intolerance and potential solutions, so I would be most interested in anything you can contribute.

Best, Wayne


Senior Member
Wayne~ Check out my post here which gives some info on histamine intolerance. I am feeling better after dropping the avocados. My urine (which was cloudy in the mornings) has been clear the last two mornings. I am shocked. We'll see if that continues. I am also feeling better in general. More clear headed and less "wired but tired." Also less itchy and less crawling nerves. I will be very interested to see if this continues....

Maryb~ Regarding meat, I've also learned to buy as fresh as possible and cook it right away then freeze what doesn't get eaten. I actually want to drop the only meat I am eating (turkey) and see how I do, but I need some other source of protein first.....

Regarding cholesterol....many people have had success eating essentially vegan with very low or no oil. Check out Dr. McDougall's forums, Dr. Ornish's website and this book.



Senior Member
I did some experimenting with Histame and DAOSin. You can read about what happened on my blog here. In a nutshell, the Histame has allowed me to eat some protein. I'm still experimenting of course but it appears I do need to take a diamine oxidase enzyme supplement.....
Montague, MA
Hi everyone,

I would like to let everyone know about something that has worked well for me for the past 6 months.

I am aware that everyone on this forum has very different needs and I think after having been a member for over a year I know I have tried protocols that worked for others that didnt work for me but this is something that has really worked for me.

It has worked so well I am actually in amazement. After having had tried every supplement (almost :D ) out there I want to share this with anyone that may have similar symptoms to me.

My main symptoms are:

Anxiety, palpitations, extreme fatigue, confusion, inflammation, dizziness and air hunger. At my worst I was bed bound / wheel chair bound for a year and a half.

The most obvious reactions I have had are to B12 (within 30 mins of ingesting I can be completely wiped out for hours) although I could tolerate it initially (for a few months until the reactions started) and can react to different foods at different times but nothing consistent. I did even manage to build up some tolerance to B12 but was always detrimental to me (although I am aware other have had great success with this and don't wish to undermine this treatment at all).

By taking histrelief or Daosin (histame in the US) has given me a 90% recovery.

Taking this product has had a very obvious effect quickly. I could tell from my first week that something was happening (it did take 3 months to see the full effect but was obvious for me the whole way through).

I was diagnosed by Dirk Budka (to whom I am forever grateful, I am in london!).

The key difference I have noticed between histrelief (is in patient trial stage only) and daosin (available online) is that histrelief seems to have a much more long term effect where as daosin is very much just for the small period in which you take it before a meal but still works well.

Before becoming ill I suffered for several years with my intestines and stomach and so I always felt that my illness stemmed from my digestive system. As my illness progressed it was very hard to tell what was causing it as I had so many symptoms I started to believe it could be anything even psychological.

I have tried Histame without much response. I wonder if it is dose related. Do you take a high dose or just what is recommended on bottle?
I have a very high histamine response and am also taking drops from an allergist who uses serial titration to determine the right dose for me. I believe it is starting to make a difference with insect bites. Not sure about other histamine responses in my gut.


Senior Member
Well, for me, it seems I can't even tolerate the smallest amounts of histamine in the freshest meats. Meaning, forget about spinach, tomatoes, cheese and other high histamine foods. I need the Histame just to eat some protein!! And it *seems* for me, that 1 can take 1 Histame and it will allow me to eat about 2 ounces of chicken, beef or fish. So I take 1 or 2 per meal that has animal protein. That's me. Everyone is different. But it seems to be what I am figuring out.

Rural South GA
This was a very interesting thread. Of course any thread with 90% cured,is a great one. I'm intrigued by Diamine Oxidase (Histame / Daosin). I suspect I suffer from Histamine intolerance. A number of the high Histamine foods are not good for me, but things like fish & sardines are fine. I generally just avoid the foods that are bad. I'm surprised why the original poster could not simply do that rather than take HISTAME. I'm tempted to try it,but wish it was cheaper, but I gather the benefit would be that I could then eat more high histamine foods.

Can anyone here tell me does the issue of histamine intolerance extend beyond foods. Is it involved in all allergy reactions like say with pollens/grasses/dust mites. I guess I want to know does HISTAME help beyond allowing us to be able to eat more foods.

The OP was bed bound, so it sounded to me like that means more than just food intolerance, though she did suspect it stemmed from her digestive system. I still have gut issues and have food intolerances that extend beyond just foods high in histamine. A diet high in meat and grains give me some trouble. (tried numerous digestive enzymes + HCL).

I can not speak for the OP, but perhaps the food choices were getting so limited like myself and having reactions to just about everything food or supplement. I have not been a high allergy type person until just now so I was perplexed and searching answers here. Or itching till I bled when a mosquito or other bug would bite me.

At least with myself methylation and histamine are interrelated (just how I am unsure) but I noticed that as my histamine reactions increased over a couple weeks my methylation decreased and also as my histamine reactions increased I was losing more and more b vitamins in my urine. As time went on the optic color of my urine increased and I was even losing the MF and B12 which NEVER has happened before.

I have it somewhat under control with supplements right now but was reading more so see what other options were out there, (Benedryl keeps me up for days) which is why I was reading this. I've been taking 1000 mg C- 250 mg Niacin or niacinimide- 40 mg P5P (activated B6) and only as a last resort 2 mg copper. For the first 2 days I had to take everything but the copper 2X per day. Then day 3 (yesterday) I did not need the copper. I only know this because I take it in a sequential order as listed C- B3- P5P- Copper. I take the first thing and wait 15-20 mins, if I don't get relief, take the next thing down the line until I get relief. Many times I get relief from just the boost of C.

Take Care, Ginger


Senior Member
I've been searching regularly for about a year for a vegetarian version of DAO to no avail.
If anyone knows of one, or hears of one, please let us know!

I know this was posted years ago, but in case anyone is looking for a pig free source of DAO there is one: Pea Sprouts! They are a good source of DAO