90% cured from bed bound with Histrelief / Histame / Daosin


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Also, some members of this site have claimed to have gotten substantial relief from CFS/ME symptoms by using antacids...

Phoenix Rising Forum - Tagamet (cimetidine) for CFIDS (worked for me)
I've been taking it for about a month, and I am 90% recovered after a very long, painful relapse. I'm not cured by any means, but I'm functional and able to return to work. Just be careful because it interacts with many other medications. If you're going to try it, you MUST check drug interactions first. Especially Wellbutrin. (I learned that the hard way - nausea, vomiting, vertigo, and racing heart.) It can interfere with the absorption of many drugs, either increasing or decreasing their effectiveness. So please just be careful if you decide to try it.

Good luck!
Recently, Freddd, who has been advocating a methylation protocol similar to richvank's, has been speculating that folic acid may be causing problems for people with CFS/ME that are on these protocols.

Well, it seems that both antihistamines and antacids inhibit the absorption of folic acid...

Prevention - Folic Acid/Folate
Some medications can interfere with your body's absorption of folic acid, including aspirin, antacids, antihistamines, some diabetes medications, and steroids. Folic acid can interact with antiseizure medications.

Sault Naturopath - Nutrient Depletions Caused By Antacids

Folic acid Use of antacids (containing aluminum and magnesium hydroxide) may reduce folic acid absorption. Sulfasalazine can lead to a folate deficiency for which supplementation may be necessary. Folic acid absorption from the small intestine is optimal at pH 5.5 to 6, therefore the increased pH associated with the use of H2 blockers (such as cimetidine (Tagamet), famotidine (Pepcid), nizatidine (Axid), and ranitidine (Zantac)) can reduce folic acid absorption.
I think there might be something important in all this. Hopefully somebody more knowledgeable about the topic can put all of this into proper context.


Senior Member
I'm so glad this is helping you xlynx. I've been wondering about the role of histamine in all this, as my allergy tests showed a very high reaction to it. I inject a vaccine daily which contains it, and other allergens, and have been feeling better. (But I'm doing lots of other stuff as well.)



Senior Member
London, UK
Dirk Budka did it for me and it has improved my health all round including my gut. Its a lot better but I wouldn't call it normal yet.

I cant remember the source as it was some time ago I read it. Very interested in whats been said about B6, B2 and copper needed for DAO. I might have to start supplementing those again.

I take it straight before the meal and usually need to take 2.

Yes I was reacting to basically all foods, I would generally not feel great after eating but now even through there are some symptoms they are very mild.

Thank you, can I ask what sort of vaccine are you injecting?


Senior Member
xlynx - it's a vaccine made up of tiny amounts of things I'm supposed to be allergic to - it's supposed to work by desensitising you to allergens. Mine is histamine, bananas, sodium metabisulphite, various moulds and a few other foods.



Senior Member
Where can we get this test done, without going through Dirk Butka ? I live in Canada so anywhere in Canada or the US is convenient. Anyone know ?

Live And Let Die

Senior Member
Las Vegas
I ordered some histame yesterday off amazon $25 shipped, seemed reasonable. The only food I know I am sensitive to is pizza (I'm part Sicilian so you can imagine my sadness). I've all but given up on eating it. :(


Senior Member
London, UK
Sorry I don't know where else they can be done

Hope it works out for you!

Because when I started to take it I was reacting so heavily to all foods it was quite obvious to me straight away. Every time I ate I would have symptoms. Within days I had a strong inclination that it was helping me and after my first pack I was completely certain.

I am able to cheat on my diet a lot with these although I know I probably shouldn't.

With histame it really works on a per meal basis for me where as Histrelief worked on more longer term basis, however it is still in trial.


Senior Member
Hi everyone,

I would like to let everyone know about something that has worked well for me for the past 6 months.

I am aware that everyone on this forum has very different needs and I think after having been a member for over a year I know I have tried protocols that worked for others that didnt work for me but this is something that has really worked for me.

It has worked so well I am actually in amazement. After having had tried every supplement (almost :D ) out there I want to share this with anyone that may have similar symptoms to me.

My main symptoms are:

Anxiety, palpitations, extreme fatigue, confusion, inflammation, dizziness and air hunger. At my worst I was bed bound / wheel chair bound for a year and a half.

The most obvious reactions I have had are to B12 (within 30 mins of ingesting I can be completely wiped out for hours) although I could tolerate it initially (for a few months until the reactions started) and can react to different foods at different times but nothing consistent. I did even manage to build up some tolerance to B12 but was always detrimental to me (although I am aware other have had great success with this and don't wish to undermine this treatment at all).

By taking histrelief or Daosin (histame in the US) has given me a 90% recovery.

Taking this product has had a very obvious effect quickly. I could tell from my first week that something was happening (it did take 3 months to see the full effect but was obvious for me the whole way through).

I was diagnosed by Dirk Budka (to whom I am forever grateful, I am in london!).

The key difference I have noticed between histrelief (is in patient trial stage only) and daosin (available online) is that histrelief seems to have a much more long term effect where as daosin is very much just for the small period in which you take it before a meal but still works well.

Before becoming ill I suffered for several years with my intestines and stomach and so I always felt that my illness stemmed from my digestive system. As my illness progressed it was very hard to tell what was causing it as I had so many symptoms I started to believe it could be anything even psychological.


I improved somewhat when using another antihistamin. Dexchlorpheniramine IV. I got some other meds at the same time, so it's not easy to tell which was helping.
Sydney, Australia
Hi All

I thought that I would give Histame a go, as I seem to have an inflammatory response to many foods and supplements. Does anyone know how much copper, P5P and B2 needs to be taken per histame capsule? Also, can the copper, B6 and B2 be taken once a day, or should they be taken with each dose of Histame?

Thanks in advance. The collective wisdom on this forum is absolutely amazing.

Best wishes,



Boswellia for lungs and MC stabllizing
k8518704 USA
Wonderful and insight-producing account, xlynx!

Btw, I would guess there is no plant source of DAO, further guessing that it is derived from pig placentas (similar to the way that the anticoagulant heparin is derived from cow lungs and/or pig intestines).

I'll post this review here (I just did also in the pregnancy thread) about the 1000 fold rise of DAO during pregnancy, because of the danger that histamine poses to the baby:
Effects of histamine and diamine oxidase activities on pregnancy: a critical review 2008

Also, the experience with DAO reminds me of the woman's post on another site where she says she camped in Death Valley and was instantly very much better... but then became as bad as ever, instantly upon returning home. I don't know if she also posted that account here. So, if CFS results in vastly exaggerated allergy responses, and the histamine produced by allergy causes a lot of CFS symptoms that's the tie-in.

I'm thinking that in my own case, histamine didn't originally cause the syndrome but it is very possibly responsible for most of my current symptoms - perhaps due to some deranged immunopathology rather than the original infection. I began to think that since having the burning-eyes symptom.


Boswellia for lungs and MC stabllizing
k8518704 USA
Does anyone know how much copper, P5P and B2 needs to be taken per histame capsule?

Hi, Sandra. I'll hazard the guess that Rich meant that a person needs copper etc in order to produce their own DAO internally.

That reminds me: zinc inhibits copper absorption, so anyone taking zinc should presumably separate zinc consumption from any copper.


Senior Member
I'm really sensitive to histamine and feel much better on a low histamine diet but couldn't tolerate daosin at all, made me feel really ill and gave me a severe headache. I'm having problems with nexavir so probably something to do with pork allergy?

I have been taking an antihistamine at night, Xyzal which has improved my sleep enormously, both in terms of length and quality of sleep.


Boswellia for lungs and MC stabllizing
k8518704 USA
I'm really sensitive to histamine and feel much better on a low histamine diet but couldn't tolerate daosin at all, made me feel really ill and gave me a severe headache. I'm having problems with nexavir so probably something to do with pork allergy?
Or perhaps, if it feels something like a hangover, it might be because DAO breaks down histamine into an acetaldehyde, just as alcohol is. However, I'd suppose that bad effect depends on how much aldehyde is actually produced.
I have been taking an antihistamine at night, Xyzal which has improved my sleep enormously, both in terms of length and quality of sleep.
Me, too, but not always - though I've discovered that diphenhydramine/Benadryl builds a tolerance to that effect quickly, so I'm not trying it on successive nights.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I'm really sensitive to histamine and feel much better on a low histamine diet but couldn't tolerate daosin at all, made me feel really ill and gave me a severe headache. I'm having problems with nexavir so probably something to do with pork allergy?

Hi Girl,

What problems are you having with Nexavir? A bit OT here, but wanted you so see the question. I am taking it with GcMAF & hydrox B12 shots and one of the three (or the combo?) is causing vertigo. Only happened when I added Nexavir and B12 to the GcMAF, but not immediately--maybe after a week.

Sydney, Australia
Hi, Sandra. I'll hazard the guess that Rich meant that a person needs copper etc in order to produce their own DAO internally.

Thanks Sherlock. Of course you're right. Would you believe that in my previous life I was actually quite intellectually sharp and very analytical :). I'm sure many here feel the same.

Best wishes

Sydney, Australia
Hi All,

I don't know why the above reply with quote is different to all the others, but I will add that I am totally blind and use a speech screen reading program, and sometimes I find it a little difficult negotiating around sites. This site is very accessible for the vision impaired though, so congrats to the organisers, it's just me with my brain fog.

Best wishes



Boswellia for lungs and MC stabllizing
k8518704 USA
Thanks Sherlock. Of course you're right. Would you believe that in my previous life I was actually quite intellectually sharp and very analytical :). I'm sure many here feel the same.
There's no need for you to explain, Sandra :) In fact, many enzymes that are already fully created also need cofactors ("helper molecules" that they bind with) in order to function correctly. A lot of them are metal ions, like copper and magnesium. So, the association can be either way and is not obvious.

Please do make a post sometime in the future on how the Histame worked for you.

Btw, the quoting didn't work on your one post because somehow the trailing "tag" got erased. That is, a quote begins with the word 'quote' enclosed in square brackets, and ends the same except that there is a slash before the word 'quote'.

Wow, so you are blind as well. That's a lot to be bearing up under. You must be very brave :)


Senior Member
Hi Sushi
I'm also taking GcMAF and the hydroxy B12 injections.

I'm still having allergic type reactions to the Nexavir injection sites, despite stopping for a bit and then titreing up again from a small dose.

Curiously, I've also noticed a worsening of vertigo/ OI symptoms that seem to correspond to increasing B12 doses. I had trouble injecting B12 as I found it very painful but am now using xylocaine at the injection site and have increased the dose to 2 mls 3/wk. Not sure if this is the cause of my worsening vertigo/OI, but very interesting that you're experiencing this symptom too!