The main flaw in Huber's HERV-K18 study
There appear to be many flaws in Huber's work but the 'master flaw', I believe, from which all erroneous conclusions will arise is the absence of a group with mono but without ME.
As a result of this design, we have no way of knowing whether the activation pattern of the HERV in question in patients with ME is any different from its activation pattern in people with a mono infection who do not have ME.
She should also be aware that HERVs are part of the intrisic immune system and are activated as a result of any viral infection, particularily if that virus is a retrovirus. She, therefore, should have checked the activity level of other HERVS.
It is a shame that she missed two glaring opportunities to test her hypothesis. She has, however, provided the information which will enable that hypothesis to be tested by others.