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23andme can you still get a Methylation Gene DNA Profile?


just wondering if there service still provides a Methylation Gene DNA Profile that many on this site refer to. I had a look but they seem to offer: "23andMe provides ancestry-related genetic reports and uninterpreted raw genetic data. We no longer offer our health-related genetic reports. "

Is the raw data that is provided useful to look up gene mutation using information from other websites?

I notice this site seems to be doing a similar test but is more expensive: http://www.purehealthshop.co.uk/sho...NzXLgjTZ5aLtIF0Aa6u&shop_param=cid=1&aid=190&




Senior Member
Western Nebraska
I didn't find any benefit from my 23andMe health reports. I didn't have any of the limited number of particular health conditions that are identified in their report reports. Their health reports told me nothing about my MTHFR and other methylation polymorphisms, nor about my non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

Whereas I have found the raw data from 23andMe to be very informative. Initially I ran my 23andMe raw data through Genetic Genie, then I ran it through Promethease, and then I obtained a report from http://www.mthfrsupport.com/reports-consults/, which is comparable to the reports Livewello puts out. And finally, when I find SNPs of interest identified in medical journals, I look up to see if I have those SNPs on 23andMe's Browse Raw Data feature.

23andMe tests nearly a million SNPs for only $99 US. However, you can't make use of all the information it provides until you've figured out which SNPs are of interest to you. You have to provide your own interpretation. Genetic Genie provides some interpretation of the 30 or so methylation genes they analyze. Others threads on this forum can also provide a lot of guidance.


Senior Member
just wondering if there service still provides a Methylation Gene DNA Profile that many on this site refer to. I had a look but they seem to offer: "23andMe provides ancestry-related genetic reports and uninterpreted raw genetic data. We no longer offer our health-related genetic reports. "
23andMe never offered methylation information. You can still run the raw data through programs at other sites to get methylation interpretations.


Senior Member
London, UK
Yes the raw data can be used for genetic genie to analyse your methylation and detox SNPs. That's what I did. They never included methylation info in the health report anyway.

Good luck.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
The raw data was always of more value to get and run throu other sites re the methylation and detox results, then the health reports anyway (thou my health report was helpful too). So yeah 23andME is still really worth while.
Thanks for all your replies, I will order and get the raw data, then follow the advice offered in this thread.
Thanks once again