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vitamin deficiency

  1. linusbert

    Vitamin D levels not rising after high dose, why?

    i had 6 month ago a real deficiency, vitamin D was 4ng/ml. calcium blood levels started to go low, magnesium and vitamin c were not tolerated anymore. now i took over the last 4-5 month roughly 600.000 ie in weekly dosages of 35000 iu. and it is now at ~10ng/ml . and they even measured 1 day...
  2. SeanQHX1

    Low Vitamin D and Ferritin + Heart Issues

    Hi everyone again! I just recently had both my vitamin D and ferritin checked recently and found that they are worryingly low. This is despite taking the right amount of iron in suppliments and around 4000iu of vitamin D in total with suppliments. My ferritin and iron levels have actually been...
  3. nerd

    POLL: How common are B Vitamin deficiencies?

    Given the assumption that CFS/ME is a hypermetabolic condition, I'm trying to found the hypothesis that Vitamin B deficiencies are amplified by the hypermetabolic state and that the normal recommended intake of these Vitamins doesn't apply to CFS/ME. I'm particularly interested in how common...