
  1. sb4

    Ketosis and constantly activated Sympathetic Nervous System

    I have POTS which results in vasoconstriction caused by my sympathetic nervous system being jacked up all the time. I think this has been giving me problems when trying to enter ketosis. When I get in ketosis I notice my POTS is worse, particularly mornings and after meals. What I think may be...
  2. RobeAnJa

    Subluxed axis (C2 vertebre) in neck confirmed. What now?

    My axis (C2) is subluxed, rotated and misaligned. It was confirmed by supine MRI. I met a neurologist who think this is the root to my symptoms. She said I would probably not be a candidate for surgery since my symptoms are not severe. Since I got covid-19 in april last year I have mild POTS...