
  1. Mitomystery

    Halfway Recovered (B2,B5,B6,Nutragenomics)

    Lifelong - 25yrs - mild to moderate MECFS. Brain-fog, Intermittent extreme fatigue brought about by many things, Sleep issues, Hearing distortions and sensitivities, pain, tingling and loss of feeling, migraines, chemical and food sensitivities etc... 20 years of blood tests showed nothing...
  2. E

    Genetic polymorphism of MTHFR C677 T may modulate the incidence and severity of COVID-19

    COVID-19 spreading across world correlates with C677T allele of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene prevalence Abstract Background: Homocysteine assessment has been proposed as a potential predictive biomarker for the severity of...
  3. Sherpa

    Methyl Charge+ : a great supplement for methylfolate-sensitive "overmethylators" with MTHFR

    I have been on this forum since 2014 and have tried over 25 methylation supplement. Methylfolate and TMG in normal doses are WAY too stimulating to me! Methyl Charge+ by Quicksilver Scientific is the best formula I have ever tried. It has liposomal forms of : B2 B6 B12 (as methylcobalmin)...
  4. gbells

    MTHFR Gene Defect Survey of ME patients

    Survey on MTHFR gene mutations for ME patients.