
  1. Joel98

    SIGNforMECFS to make the German Bundestag aware of the desperate situation of the many ME/CFS sufferes

    Please help, we need 50.000 signatures until 11/9/21 for SIGNforMECFS to make the German Bundestag aware of the desperate situation of the many ME/CFS sufferes. At this moment we have 24.000 online signatures + offline signatures on a signature list by handwriting. You don’t need to be German...
  2. Pyrrhus

    Germany: ME/CFS in Germany

    You may remember the 2017 petition started by Katarina Voss that received almost 20,000 signatures: Petition to Recognize ME in Germany Well, a new petition from Jannik Mebus is circulating asking for research...
  3. H

    #MillionsMissing 2020 in Germany

    This year #MillionsMissing global protests will take place between May 9th–17th. #MillionsMissing Germany announced the participating cities from Germany today: :hug: Aachen, Erlangen, Freiburg, Gütersloh, Halle, Münster and Ravensburg :hug: These are more cities than in the years before (we...
  4. H

    Fundraiser for Dr. Prusty's Research (Würzburg University)

    A group of patients has started a fundraiser for Dr. Bhupesh Prusty's research at Würzburg University, Germany. All funds raised will go to the non-profit HHV6 Foundation and then be donated to Dr. Bhupesh Prusty's lab for his research. Dr. Prusty gave a talk at the NIH ME/CFS conference last...
  5. H

    Looking for EDS specialist in Germany

    I have a diagnosis of CCI/AAI from Dr. G. I am slightly hypermobil (4/9 of Beighton Score). Seeking to get a proper diagnosis, whether EDS is part of my issues or not. Does anyone know an EDS expert in Germany (south)?
  6. H

    #MillionsMissing 2019 in Germany

    This year, #MillionsMissing visibility actions will take place in Berlin, Munich and Halle (Saale) in Germany. HALLE (SAALE) | Marktplatz | Wednesday, May 8 | 2-4 pm MUNICH | Sendlinger-Tor-Platz | Saturday, May 11 | 2-4 pm BERLIN | Pariser Platz (vor dem Brandenburger Tor) | Sunday, May 12 |...
  7. H

    #MillionsMissing 2019 in Germany

    #MillionsMissing 2019: Aufruf für Schuhe und Botschaften Anlässlich des int. ME-Tags im Mai finden wieder weltweit #MillionsMissing-Proteste statt. In Deutschland organisiert das Netzwerk #MillionsMissing Deutschland Aktionen in drei Städten: HALLE | Marktplatz | Mittwoch, 08. Mai | 14–16 Uhr...