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cd8+ t cells

  1. JasonPerth

    Immunophenotyping/Cells Test Results

    Recent Results attached, Im 27M The last month has been the worst for me, my brain fog is extreme and im very fatigued. Ive never felt worse with this illness then i do right now Yet all these markers that supposingly show Low markers for many with CFS are standard and normal for me. Is this...
  2. nerd

    The immunological inconsistency in the IDO trap theory

    There is one thing in the IDO theory I can't figure out - the inconsistent piece that actually makes me suspect that there is something more complex going on. Here is the story, extending what I wrote in the original IDO post, if you aren't familiar with the Ron Davis research yet. As a...
  3. nerd

    Ketogenesis-generated β-hydroxybutyrate is an epigenetic regulator of CD8+ T-cell memory development

    Zhang, H., Tang, K., Ma, J. et al. Ketogenesis-generated β-hydroxybutyrate is an epigenetic regulator of CD8+ T-cell memory development. Nat Cell Biol 22, 18–25 (2020). doi: 10.1038/s41556-019-0440-0 Abstract
  4. Pyrrhus

    Summary of NK and T cell discussions

    Since scientific studies on the lymphocytes called Natural Killer (NK) cells and CD8+ T cells in ME have provided conflicting results, I just wanted to start a thread to summarize in one place all discussions on this issue. Hopefully, by listing all discussions in one place, it will be easier...