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Sulfur and Methylation


Senior Member
Western Nebraska
The optimal value for sulfate is 400. So you want the top color to be yellow/orange and the other colors to be more of a coral. The lighter the colors, the higher the sulfate. It's best to take a test strip and hold it right next to the bottle strip to see the subtle color differences.


Senior Member
The optimal value for sulfate is 400. So you want the top color to be yellow/orange and the other colors to be more of a coral. The lighter the colors, the higher the sulfate. It's best to take a test strip and hold it right next to the bottle strip to see the subtle color differences.

Thanks. I will try again as I did not see any colour change at all! Just slightly lighter shade.


Senior Member
Western Nebraska
Can you see the pattern of color changes shown on the bottle for the different sulfate levels? That's the easy part. The hard part is figuring out which colors in a particular category of sulfate levels match your test strip. It gets a little easier with practice, and I think easier to read in daylight.


Senior Member
Many thanks, Lynne. I can see the color difference this morning and level appears to be >800. Does this test vary according to the time of day? How long after a high sulfur is taken before you see it in the urine? I am still taking some high sulfur supplements ie some with sulfurophane (high dose), ALA, NAC.
How often do you suggest testing?