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problems with walking. Possible causes?


Senior Member
I'm here again. Does somebody also experience problems with emotions? I feel like a zombie for a quite now, and feel like my emotions are competely under the surface, some kind of block or smth. What is b12 influence on emotional health? Feelings, hopes etc.?

From memory, @Freddd reported "a lifelong depression lifting" when he began B12.

I find the largest benefits are re energy & cognition, but I think mood has lifted as well.

In fact I tend to think mood & cognition tend to rise & fall together somewhat.


Senior Member
New Zealand
I must tell, that the first time I went to neurologist, she prescribed me some other medicine, that was meant to heal nerves, and it was very, very effective, but I don't remember the name, smth like neurorubin or similar.

Hi. I think the prescriptions were called Nuerotin. I don't think it heals nerves, but it kills pain though.


It's prescribed for nerve pain. My son was prescribed it for neuralgia in the scalp.
Well I'm not sure if this is the one. But it is only for pain, right? It doesn't actually improve the situation? I just remember that not only physically but also emotionally it felt wonderful, much more than when I am using just b12, be it methyl or other cobalamin.