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Methylation protocol and glutathione

Montague, MA
how to assess what kind of B12 will be best for me

Hi, Lucy.

It is difficult to sort out whether there is a reaction to the supplements or whether the detox system is mobilizing toxins because it has started to function better as a result of the supplements. I am currently suggesting that people stick with the SMP for three months before deciding whether it's helping or not. If it doesn't seem to be producing positive results by three months, then I think something needs to be changed.

When you had the trial on methyl B12 injections, were you also supplementing active folate, such as methylfolate? If not, this may be the reason you did not experience a response. It's necessary to supplement B12 and folate together to lift the partial methylation cycle block. From what you've reported, it does seem that you receive a positive response to methylfolate.

No I was not.

The easiest thing to do to try to determine which B12 is best for you is to try one for 3 months, and if it isn't helping, try the other.

If you are planning to run a urine organic acids test, I would recommend the Genova Diagnostics Metabolic Analysis Profile, because it has both Figlu and MMA on it. It will give indirect information about the status of your methylation cycle, folate metabolism, and glutathione. However, it will not tell you which B12 form would be best.

Dr. Amy Yasko offers a nutrigenomic panel, and from the results for the COMT and VDR Bsm SNPs, she determines whether hydroxo B12 or methyl B12 is better for the person. I don't know of published experimental support for this approach. She bases it on her experience.

Best regards,


I have an immediate, mildly unpleasant response to the Hydroxy B12. I accidently ordered the sublingual lozenge rather than the drops from Holistic Health. So i am wondering if it might be the fillers or the sorbitol. So I could try the drops or another brand HydroxyB12. I am concerned about cost. I get my supplements wholesale as I am a healthcare provider and wonder if I might use one of the Hydroxy B12's offered there. They are high quality brands often only sold through doctors offices. I don't understand why the drops from Holistic Health are so expensive. My doctor's office sells one called Perque Guard activated B12 which is Hydroxy form. Anyone have experience with that? That is available through my wholesale distributor. There are many other brands as well. r

I wish I knew how to reply the way you do Rich. want to give a little on-line lesson? I tried replying with include quote but it did not allow me to preview it saying I had too few characters. (?)


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I have an immediate, mildly unpleasant response to the Hydroxy B12. I accidently ordered the sublingual lozenge rather than the drops from Holistic Health. So i am wondering if it might be the fillers or the sorbitol. So I could try the drops or another brand HydroxyB12. I am concerned about cost. I get my supplements wholesale as I am a healthcare provider and wonder if I might use one of the Hydroxy B12's offered there. They are high quality brands often only sold through doctors offices. I don't understand why the drops from Holistic Health are so expensive. My doctor's office sells one called Perque Guard activated B12 which is Hydroxy form. Anyone have experience with that? That is available through my wholesale distributor. There are many other brands as well.

I wish I knew how to reply the way you do Rich. want to give a little on-line lesson? I tried replying with include quote but it did not allow me to preview it saying I had too few characters. (?)

Hi Lucy,

Do you have the same reaction from 1 or two bites of apples or other fruits other fruits that includes sweet alcohols?

I suspect you are getting a startup response from the hycbl. If you were trying the mb12 I could tell for sure. Most peole have very minor or non-existant startup from hycbl.

As far as vitamin brands versus healthcare distributed brands, most of those are private label productions of the major vitamin companies. Small quantity wholesale can be a lot more expensive than large quantity retail resellers. Metafolin is the same in every brand as that is made by Merck. Mb12 at least varies considerably at the crystal level despite all of them rating as equally pure etc. That isn't the factor involved, but rather the original fermenting bacteria as well as chemical processes used in processing. At the compounding pharmacy level probvably in excess of half of the mb12 is exposed to so much light it is useless as mb12 breaks down into the hydroxycbl with less than 1% of the activity. So who makes it for what market means almost nothing. Hydroxycbl is at the end of the photolytic breakdown path for the other three forms of human useful cobalamin so I have no idea if hydroxycbl varies by brand or not. SAM-e does to some extent, mb12 to a very great extent and adb12 maybe to some extent, especially as to the light expsoure as it is even more vulnerable to breakdown than mb12. Hypersensitivity to minor inactive ingrediants often is the result of Mb12 and methylfolate deficiencies that also gives rise to MCS so that perfumes and other ingrediants causes all sorts of problems.

When there is an immediate effect to a cobalamin supplement it is virtually always a startup response to the cobalamin itself. Even induced low potassium takes about 3 days to pop up.
Montague, MA
No, fruit is OK
So that unpleasant rev may be a start up sensation that will subside over time? How much time should i give it before deciding that it is not beneficial if I am not getting any other benefits?
I have ordered the other forms recommended and will try them. You suggest taking MB12 and AdB12. I do have the feeling that B12 is very important for me I found an old test from Spectrox that showed me B12 and folate deficient as well as high homocycstine. I wish I knew then what I know now.. That was almost ten years ago.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
No, fruit is OK
So that unpleasant rev may be a start up sensation that will subside over time? How much time should i give it before deciding that it is not beneficial if I am not getting any other benefits?
I have ordered the other forms recommended and will try them. You suggest taking MB12 and AdB12. I do have the feeling that B12 is very important for me I found an old test from Spectrox that showed me B12 and folate deficient as well as high homocycstine. I wish I knew then what I know now.. That was almost ten years ago.

Hi Lucyhem,

With the high Hcy then p5p could be important too. Generally with mb12 the dose related startup effect falls off logarithmically as with so many things. Brand of mb12 is VERY inmportant along with time in contact with tissue such as 45-120 minutes or more under lip and/or tongue. As long as the daily dose keeps increasing serum level significvantlyu when you take it startup effects continue. If you do a fast saturation they fall off much faster because daily serum level change ceases.


Senior Member
***Hi, Lucy.

I have an immediate, mildly unpleasant response to the Hydroxy B12. I accidently ordered the sublingual lozenge rather than the drops from Holistic Health. So i am wondering if it might be the fillers or the sorbitol. So I could try the drops or another brand HydroxyB12. I am concerned about cost. I get my supplements wholesale as I am a healthcare provider and wonder if I might use one of the Hydroxy B12's offered there. They are high quality brands often only sold through doctors offices. I don't understand why the drops from Holistic Health are so expensive. My doctor's office sells one called Perque Guard activated B12 which is Hydroxy form. Anyone have experience with that? That is available through my wholesale distributor. There are many other brands as well.

***The Perque should be fine. It was actually the form that was in the earlier versions of the simplified protocol. I changed it to the drops, hoping that they would be more convenient. Also, Amy Yasko's site claimed that the drops would be cheaper on a per mg of B12 basis. If you can get a better price for the Perque product, that's great.

I wish I knew how to reply the way you do Rich. want to give a little on-line lesson? I tried replying with include quote but it did not allow me to preview it saying I had too few characters. (?)

*** Rather than use the "Reply with Quote" feature, I sometimes just copy and paste the person's post, and just use the "Reply" feature. That frees me up from that problem. That message comes on if you haven't written much after the quoted section in a "Reply with Quote." Sometimes I don't realize that I'm typing a response completely within the quoted section using that feature, and it won't accept that, so now I often just copy and paste.

Montague, MA
Yes I ordered P5P
Not sure I understand the second part of answer . Maybe you could slow it down and dumb it down a little. You are saying that with a fast saturation the start up reaction drops off more quickly. And fast saturation means starting at a higher dosage? did I get that right?


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Yes I ordered P5P
Not sure I understand the second part of answer . Maybe you could slow it down and dumb it down a little. You are saying that with a fast saturation the start up reaction drops off more quickly. And fast saturation means starting at a higher dosage? did I get that right?

Or at least titrating more rapidly.