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Dr. Pridgen's 9 different cocktail mix patents & research under Dr. Carol Duffy name

Hello I am new to this forum. I am one of Dr Pridgeons patients he is using in the clinical trials. He told me yesterday that next week he will be going to Boston to present his findings. He will present the cocktail of Valtrex and Celebrex. I have been on this since February of this year. For me the difference has been amazing, I know I'm not cured, but in remission.


Alone & Wandering
Zogor-Ndreaj, Shkodër, Albania
Hello I am new to this forum. I am one of Dr Pridgeons patients he is using in the clinical trials. He told me yesterday that next week he will be going to Boston to present his findings. He will present the cocktail of Valtrex and Celebrex. I have been on this since February of this year. For me the difference has been amazing, I know I'm not cured, but in remission.


Please elaborate on 'I'm not cured, but in remission' .



Senior Member
Hi @Grandma

and welcome to the forum. I am not in the study but stumbled on the Valtrex/Celebrex combo from another doctor.

Thank you for the update.

Do you have Fibromyalgia or CFS or a mixture of both?


Senior Member
Hello I am new to this forum. I am one of Dr Pridgeons patients he is using in the clinical trials. He told me yesterday that next week he will be going to Boston to present his findings. He will present the cocktail of Valtrex and Celebrex. I have been on this since February of this year. For me the difference has been amazing, I know I'm not cured, but in remission.

I'm confused. I think that makes 3 combinations now that seem to be the number one treatment out of them all.

Valtrex and Celebrex, Valcyte and Celebrex and Famvir and Celebrex.


Senior Member
Unfortunately I don't see any good results in the FB group or on any forums other than Grandma. People would be everywhere sharing their remission or any kind of marked improvement. I just don't think this is the answer we are hoping for. :(


To see a difference you need to be on antivirals for a LONG TIMEEEE I have seen a difference after 2 years (started low and slow) to be honest. If you asked me before then I would say they were doing nothing. I hope the study is for long enough.


Senior Member
I have been on anti virals for many many years. They help a lot of people. I cant say they have helped me although my titers have gone down. I was hoping Pridgen was on to something by adding the Celebrex as another way of attacking the virus. It was an interesting philosophy. As far as results, Im disappointed in the lack of reported positive results.


Senior Member
Unfortunately I don't see any good results in the FB group or on any forums other than Grandma. People would be everywhere sharing their remission or any kind of marked improvement. I just don't think this is the answer we are hoping for. :(

Michelle, can you PM the fb forum, I would like to join...


Senior Member
Yes you're right CFS is a generic term. But I firmly believe there is a common pathophysiology for all. The triggers are perhaps variable, but the ensuing process in one which one aquires symptoms of CFS is the same in us all.

What is your firm belief based on? It's too complex to be so simple. And either way,you want to address the triggers and causes.


Senior Member
@Grandma , Do you know what dosages of Valtrex and Celebrex you were/are on?

I've been on both now for several months but the dosages don't seem to be right. The first day Valtrex was added to Celebrex I saw absolutely amazing improvement for several days.

A doctor in Boston had told me the Valtrex needed to be increased for me to see beneficial effect.

Do you know where Dr. Pridgen is presenting in Boston?


Alone & Wandering
Zogor-Ndreaj, Shkodër, Albania
What is your firm belief based on? It's too complex to be so simple. And either way,you want to address the triggers and causes.

Based on 19 years with CFS. 10 searching for answers.

But I suspect you're looking for something more 'concrete'.

Read this:

This is a perfect example of common pathophysiology.

With just the right Cytokine profile, one develops symptoms of sickness behaviour which are identical to those of CFS. It took 3 months for cytokine profile to normalise and symptoms to disappear.

The above study is very important and I suggest you read it thoroughly. It relates to CFS a great deal even though it isn't specifically mentioned.

No need to address triggers if cause is eliminated.


Senior Member
My question was rhetorical.
Triggers -- if HSV1 is a trigger, eliminate or reduce HSV1. Don't just quiet the upregulated or "abnormal" pathway. It may need to be upregulated until the pathogen is gone. It's an appropriate response by the body. If mold is involved, you must get away from the mold, not manipulate the body's response to toxic mold. If you have a chronic borrelia, staph, or other infection, you need to address it with herbs, etc.

You oversimplify.It's like saying, everybody who has vertigo has the same dysfunction, so just treat that dysfunction. But there are many causes to vertigo, and the causes need to be addressed.

Based on 19 years with CFS. 10 searching for answers.

But I suspect you're looking for something more 'concrete'.

Read this:

This is a perfect example of common pathophysiology.

With just the right Cytokine profile, one develops symptoms of sickness behaviour which are identical to those of CFS. It took 3 months for cytokine profile to normalise and symptoms to disappear.

The above study is very important and I suggest you read it thoroughly. It relates to CFS a great deal even though it isn't specifically mentioned.

No need to address triggers if cause is eliminated.


Alone & Wandering
Zogor-Ndreaj, Shkodër, Albania
My question was rhetorical.
Triggers -- if HSV1 is a trigger, eliminate or reduce HSV1. Don't just quiet the upregulated or "abnormal" pathway. It may need to be upregulated until the pathogen is gone. It's an appropriate response by the body. If mold is involved, you must get away from the mold, not manipulate the body's response to toxic mold. If you have a chronic borrelia, staph, or other infection, you need to address it with herbs, etc.

You oversimplify.It's like saying, everybody who has vertigo has the same dysfunction, so just treat that dysfunction. But there are many causes to vertigo, and the causes need to be addressed.

You are overthinking it. Missing out some crucial points also.

HSV-1 is not like e.g mold. Almost everyone has this virus, you cannot get away from it, you cannot cure/vaccinate it. In this case, this virus would be the cause.

I just thing you're confusing the words trigger and cause and not understood what I said.

Anyway, did you read the article at all?