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Lancet ombudsman has failed to respond to my complaint re PACE

Angela Kennedy

Senior Member
Essex, UK
In light of the above, I have written this (self-explanatory) email to Professor Warlow today:

Dear Professor Warlow

I note that you have failed to respond, in any way, to either my initial complaint of June 9th, 2011, or my second email to you of August 7th, 2011, about the above topic.

Your failure to respond indicates you have failed to act correctly as an Ombudsman.

In light of this this failure, I now have no option but to seek legal advice with a view to legal action in order to pursue my legitimate complaint, and to make public both your failure to act correctly, and your conflict of interest in this matter.

Yours sincerely

Angela Kennedy

Angela Kennedy

Senior Member
Essex, UK
:) bonne chance

thank you pamb.

It's actually turned into something of a saga now. I will update the information and new correspondence either today or tomorrow.

We are talking something of a debacle on the part of the Lancet and their representatives - I will say that in the meantime. I'm not reassured they are acting in wholly good faith as at this moment. I wait to be disavowed of my concern, but I'm not so confident that will be happening.


Senior Member
NYC (& RI)
Angela, do you have an email for this guy? I'd like to send him a message that he should take your complaint and Prof. Hooper's very seriously.