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Yay, it's done! ME/CFS has hugely slowed me down, but I got there!

Yay! The little railway hut made from a brake van that I've been kitbashing to send to Julie is done!
Many months after it was begun, because ME/CFS has hugely slowed me down, could have made this in a week, before.
But, hey, I got there!

Now, to get it mailed across the Atlantic Ocean to Julie.
Am going to include some extra of the flowers for maybe planting around it, or even using elsewhere.

Would like to have had some HO or OO scale tools, and a barrel, and a bucket, to put in the open end.
That's getting delegated to Julie. So is providing a fuel source for the stove that would be at the bottom of the chimney.

Light is 1 little LED borrowed from Christmas lights.

You have probably already deduced that doing this kind of thing is hugely enjoyable. 😁





Well, never again will my own eyeballs see it in person or will my fingers leave their prints on it.

Plan is to box it today then post it tomorrow either before or after creative writers group - easy to do in this little town since Post Office is only 1 block over from where group meets.

Is an interesting set of feelings to have so much fun making a model railway item to give a dear friend & then entrusting people you have no idea who they are to get the gift safely 4,000 miles away to that friend.

Wrapping paper was purchased last year because I had intended to have this done for last Christmas.

Oh well, that's how life with ME/CFS goes.

But, hey, It Is Ready To Go! 😁
And I am happy with that.

So is Julie. Had sent her the above 3 photos and she wrote back that she is absolutely ticked to be receiving it & now that she has ME/CFS she from her own model railway projects has a new appreciation how much of a treasure it is to still be able to do this kind of thing any at all.



Related content:

Julie has been working on some of these cardboard and paper model kits for her model railway,

Paper models in general have a several hundred year history, back to at least the 1700s.
Still a VERY popular hobby.

As for me, problems with my hands mean I do mostly plastic models now, such as this one, because paper models involve quite a bit of shaping and forming the parts, such as rolling paper in to tubes for poles and axles.

This all connects to one of the great things about doing model railroads, model railways, sharing with friends. ☺️
That can be in the building, the operating, the researching.
And in getting together to go watch the real ones.
📬 As of about 09:30 this morning it is out of my hands and fully dependent on the US Postal Service and the Royal Mail get it safely between Missouri and Surrey.
☺️ Great feeling to finally have it done and on the way.

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