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The show last night actually wasn't that bad and didn't entirely result in disaster, whatever I recently did seems to have emped up my brain signalling enough to survive such high volumes of music this time unlike last time. I was aching and didn't sleep well at all, I felt like a zombie this morning but I was in a bittersweet mood and later I felt better. Like I mentioned in the "weird dietary changes" topic I have noticed since cutting out all corn sources and canola oil from my life appears to have at least contributed me to having clearer senses and more physical energy output. Tonight I wanted to experiment more so I tried that tuna thing again and it seems after the energy baseline elevation from the other cuts in a fasted state trumps post tuna consumption energy and actually in this case turns things down a bit and of course the heavy meat in my digestive system also bloats things up and slows them down a bit more. It could be because the raised histamine levels cancel out some of the dopamine and related compounds and when it lowers in a specific way has synergy with it. I'll have to see how I feel tomorrow and the next day as I fight my way through a couple more days at work. I feel like all I do lately is get lost in seeing things through, I keep making progress but I get lost in the details and can't smell the roses. I do want to start reading but my head is burny and crappy right now to do so and I certainly can't with a full stomach. Seems I can read comfortably but I need to be in a largely fasted state without as much of a histamine load but a dopamine excess, I think my best bet is aiming for maximizing that in consistent fluctuations. Like usual there's only one thing to do and that's keep pushing through.


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