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Not so hot

Last night I went out to some restaurant with my father and another family member, the food was great itself but unfortunately this morning I felt absolutely terrible and clearly got some kind of food poisoning as I was in the bathroom all morning with liquid you know what and a lovely crampy liquidy feeling in there the whole rest of the day that's still going on. The absolute irony as I've eaten at the all you can order japanese place a good handful of times in the past year and haven't got anything and this was a decent Japanese place. I didn't even get any raw seafood, just some shrimp fried rice and a soft shell crab roll. I also haven't eaten anything with canola oil in it in over a couple weeks before that so that may have also added some extra shock to my system. The rest of the day I spent running around grocery shopping and after I had to head out again to the bank as I finally got a check that's only taken over 6 months to get to me in, honestly at that point it was just extra money as I'd completely forgotten about it and didn't even expect it at the rate it was going. My hearing today is pretty intact with some achy ear feelings but nothing horrible, I honestly think loud sound can actually reactivate infections itself and lead to some symptom relapses like that. After every concert I went to even years back I've always gotten sick without fail. Hoping my new ear plugs next time work and that it's not the sound vibrations itself doing it. I have enough time before my next show though at the end of the month. Tonight I just picked up some fresh bagels to throw in the oven to help mop up the disaster I ate last night and pray tomorrow morning won't be nearly as garbage though since I need to work I know it will be in its usual special way. I can tell this week ahead isn't gonna be a very fun one but I have no choice but to push through. Next week though should be alright as I only have a therapy appointment to go to, I'll get home much later one day from work but it'll be fine enough. It's times like this I wish I had a fast forward button cause this just sucks. Felt like I didn't get much rest this weekend and that's going to be quite the carry over energy tax for the rest of the week.


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