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Well, so much for that neurologist.

Well, so much for that neurologist.

A couple years pre-pandemic, my physician referred me to a neurologist.
For several reasons I wanted one not connected to the University hospital.
Because of things which happened in the orthopedic clinic and the other clinic I can't right now remember the name of.

November last year, get letter saying the Dr who I'd been seeing at the practice was leaving, call to reschedule.

That specific Dr. was an important factor because she was the only one there who would talk to me about how ME/CFS could be involved with neurology and what research was happening and what things could potentially be beneficial to me.
From what a couple other Drs at practice had said, they refuse to accept that ME/CFS is a real actual physical disease and that science has been showing that to be the case for a few decades now.

So, I called, next available appointment was in spring.

A couple months later get letter saying call to reschedule again since that doctor was going to be away at a conference.

So, I called, next available appointment was either June or July, now forget which.

A couple months later get letter saying to call to reschedule yet once more because of staff changes at clinic.

So, I said, that's enough of this circus, and did not call.

Here it is pushing end of July and I haven't heard from that neurology clinic since most recent letter.

Honestly, haven't wanted to hear from them.

I'm done with them.
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Honestly I don't think you missed anything that could have been of any help. I've been to 7 different neurologists over the years and none of them had any helpful suggestions or information. Also a few of them were just downright rude. Never again for me. I am also done with them.

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