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Another hobby Yay! - got the curtains in.

Happy camper 😁 got the curtains in to that one window on the railway crew hut for Julie.

Decided to use only the curtain part of the image.

First, took the paper and painted from the back with clear gloss acrylic model paint, which will soak in to paper and somewhat stabilize the image.

When that dried, cut out the desired portion of image,
painted both its edges and around the window with artist's acrylic matte medium
which then acted kind of like contact cement to attach the printed curtains.

Feels grand when there is success with little bitty model parts.
And of course, the energy to do the concentration.
Still remember when I was able to do this kind of stuff all day any day.

Next steps are:
get flowers in the planter box
attach a few signs to exterior walls
do some 'weathering' painting on platform boards

Getting closer and closer to ready to be posted to England. 😊



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