Great video, thanks, and a big thank you to everyone who participated on our behalf.
The more I see the term M.E., the more I seriously dislike it. That's no more descriptive of what's really going on than CFS. CFS in fact I feel is a better term, even - not that that one's particularly great, either, but at least it doesn't point to something that might not even exist in most of us.
It doesn't help that M.E. can double as "me," i.e., as in something to use as ammo against us for being "self-centered in our illness beliefs," etc. I can only imagine some of the psychologizers looking at those signs saying "Help ME" and laughing to themselves at how perfect it was that we would employ an acronym that could be seen as referring back to ourselves.
If I told my docs I had "encephalomyelitis," they would laugh me out of the office even more than they would probably like to do now. Maybe it's a UK/US thing, but I think we need some new terminology, asap!