I got some blood work results today. It's probably the best it's been in 20yrs. Strange as I've eaten the unhealthiest diet this year, been ultra inactive due to the headaches and knee injury and I have felt worse in the past but not by much.
A few things suprised me. My cholesterol was lowest it's ever been. My neutrophils although within normal range were the highest I've seen them. My lymphocyte T cells were all good other than cd8 which was 1 point out of range. Immunoglobulins were all normal. I see my dr in a few days.
I initially relapsed just as covid hit in 2020 and my antiviral famvir wasn't available. Had a weird constant headache for 3 months. Had several shingles rash type episodes with worsening headaches. I have been constant with famvir for atleast 12 months. I can't get viral titres tested but going by my immune markers I think ebv and cmv are probably suppressed for now.
The shingles/sores/rash I get on my head I think it's shingles but not 100%. Thinking if I wasn't on antivirals maybe the shingles rash would be worse. The only way I'm going to confirm it is if I catch it early and swab a pustule. Sometimes I get the same pain in my head but don't get a rash. It's possible it's just chronic herpetic neuralgia causing the headaches. So my fatigue may not really be cfs but fatigue etc from nerve pain.
Next step, treat the nerve pain which we have been trying for 2 years. Antidepressants, anticonvulsants to prevent pain and traditional pain killers if needed, plus ice packs etc. Really only the pain killers help and or I jack the lyrica up high for a day.
About 2016 I had a different dr who is now retired. He was sports dr and use to doing Cortisone shots etc. One day I had enough of the pain and asked for Cortisone shots in my head with lignocaine and he was happy too. Probably 4 or 5 shots in my head over the area where the shingles were. It was painful but the lignocaine numbed it quite quickly. I think this help the nerves alot and reduced the inflammation . The effects lasted months. My current Dr won't do this and he doesn't know who he could refer me too. I might just plead with my dr to do it.
I had 2 good years before 2020 when everything went south.