I completely understand where you are coming from, but want to add one more piece. Once XMRV people are separated from the chronic fatigue construct, we may still have many who do have an organic disease, perhaps even another retrovirus. We cannot abandon them. We must fight to have all diseases without a cause, that psychiatry has captured, investigated and treated appropriately.
This is correct, but this will never happen if the cook book of illusionary 'medicine'; that is the DSM-IV and now DSM-IV remain. People can and will get left behind. After all, we have had this happen to us and there will be another 'us' in the future.
Why? Because of psychiatry and its usefulness to the state as a form of mind control over the populace to not question, how/where/why are our children are getting these neuro immune diseases.
Essentially, anyone now without a 'proven' illness is captured by the cult of psychiatry and jailed within a fictious theory when in all cases, the sufferer (and often parents) are blamed!!! Previously we were just called mad. Now we are given a much more 'politically correct' label that is deemed less offensive, but still places the honus of responsbility of recovery on ourselves and away from the pathogen or allergy or 'insult' that is the true cause.
MS, Parkinsons, Diabetes, Epilepsy, ME/CFS - all blamed on fear of sex in women, or hysteria in women etc.
Hysteria, comes from meaning the state of being 'a woman'. Seriously. :worried:
How genius was it, that in ME/CFS the huge
obvious diagnostic criteria of post exertional exercise flare via cytokine rush/gene expression and other biological markers was reverse engineered to be the tonic to get better!!!! Deception. It cannot get more blatent than that. (Akin to smashing one's head against the wall to treat head injury).
To do as you suggest (to investigate and treat appropriately a plethora of other retroviruses, organic CFS type illnesses) is a good idea V99. Yet, critically, one will have to halt the mad monks on the march to their bank account to draw another $100,000 check for 'bigging up' an anti depressant to treat another horrendous illness that comes along, that has nothing to do with depression.
Think of how ME/CFS has 'morphed' from one accusation of BLAME to yet another over decades:
ME remains as non paralytic polio and Japanese Encephalitis etc. World Health Organisation accepts it's a neuro disease and does nothing. Very rare condition. No children or teenagers have it. No discussion. Nothing on TV, Newspapers. Black out.
*Late 1980's ME/CFS cases exploded in USA/UK and the disease cannot be contained and became 'public'. Bring in the psychiatrists to 'manage' the situation and stop mass panic by blaming the unfortunate people with this condition.
Rename the condition chronic tiredness sydrome and drastically alter the diagnostic criteria to make ME a 'free-for-all' condition.
*Tell the media ME/CFS patients are rich fortunate
women from fortunate backgrounds (Yuppies).
*Tell the ME/CFS patient their parents push them too much, and maybe are crazy too (Mom gets blamed usually).
*Put the ME/CFS child in care and try and jail the parent if they protest too much.
*Throw the ME/CFS child in a swimming pool to see if they really drown.
*Tell the ME/CFS patient they are depressed, but they don't realise. (Finally scrapped by psychiatrists).
*Tell the ME/CFS patient they need to exercise more and this makes them better (Mostly now scrapped).
*Tell the ME/CFS patient to brain wash their fear of activity away, so they can do more activity. (Currently in use via CBT).
*Tell the ME/CFS patient to 'pace' their lives, and if they limit what they can do by using an activity diary, their fear of getting worse can be evidenced as 'doing more' so the person will do more and be less scared. (Currently in use via CBT and activity diary with pacing).
*Tell the ME/CFS patient they were probably phobic of exercise at school and this is why they developed ME/CFS
*Tell the patient they were probably sexually or physically abused as a child and this is why they developed ME/CFS as they cannot cope with 'stress'.
Personal greed is driving medics who although once learnt medicine in University and medical school, now practice medical fraud. They are perfectly allowed to do this (legally), when a disease has no proven organic pathology, and this is how it will stay. (It's cheaper for governments this way and absolves them of all blame). NB: Psychiatrists make the rules up as they go along. If they didn't, they'd be doctors and practice medicine in hospitals or in the community as they should do as they are MD's. Psychiatry gives you the ultimate opportunity, to play god with your patient (even drug them) and no one can stop you. How enticing is this to sociopaths?
As you know to your cost, us patients are used for finanical gain and there are massive vested interests at work that capitalism and the obsession with 'status' only encourages. I agree we should fight, but we need to seperate the soccer team into sides first, as currently our team members are not in our team and disagree with fundamental issues - all caused by the label CFS. (Ironically the CFS team, isn't a team either. Half on holiday, sick, or drove 60 miles the wrong direction and ended up playing baseball not soccer).
The state wants this. They don't want or need a diagnostic test. If there is any danger of one happening? Simply loosen the diagnostic criteria again. This is exactly what Bill Reeves and Co, has done. And so it goes on and on and on. CFS would eventually end up in the DSM, the bible of invented illnesses that don't exist. This is (terribly) what has happened in 2010. How did we get to this point again? See above............
We may have learnt our lesson, but sadly too late. The public are brain washed via the corporate biased media,
they have no idea what is going on and never will do. Politicians learn faster than us as they plan your next move - remotely. There will be no fanfare with XMRV or the next retrovirus discovered either. It will be controlled, and quietly we will be directed to the immunology/neurological department along with people with MS or Lupus. Nothing more, no scandal.
We cannot ignore the huge psychological consequence of being mentally attacked on all sides for decades simply by having three letters next to our names in medical files - CFS. Humans can and do become robots in order not to be terminated via meek compliance to those who terrorise them. People with ME/CFS are victims of medical terrorism, yet we are called
'Jihad CFS Terrorists of Health' by Dr Mark Boriani the second XMRV was linked to ME/CFS. How kind of him, but how typical of arrogant people who remain uncorrect and unchallenged.
We forget who we are as people with long term 'CFS', because
realising who we should or would have been is too painful for people affected for 30,40years. By this, I mean resistance is not futile, but it's been kicked out of us. (We've taken so many beatings we are a compliant abused and battered wife who smiles in the mirror whilst applying foundation over sores and cuts and awaiting the next terrifying bellow downstairs as the front door is slammed).
Where are the abused CFS patients on youtube crying in floods of tears? Hardly any, if any. Too much self respect and pride, and too much
shame for that to happen. (We are well trained, automatons. We dare not say a word, for fear of being recognised in public by our neighbour, never mind our friends and doctors). Conversely there are lots of Gay men (previously targeted by the state and called 'scum' by most people back in the 1950's). They cry all day long on youtube knowing people will understand WHY. So CFS is the new most hated stigma of the medical profession. As Judy Mikovits said, CFS patients are 'in the closet'. V99 you are not, but you are rare.
Think how the WPI was formed. Someone's mom effectively made it!!!! How bizarre, but how telling. What on earth are people's moms doing building neuro immune centres daisy chained onto a Cancer center? She took the lead, as you are suggesting we all do V99, but she is fortunate as she has a wealthy husband, and influence due to seeing the 'best' doctors, namely Dan Peterson. The rest is history. Most do not take the lead and wait and wait and wait for others.
Incredibly, then sufferers themselves have become institutionalised within their own illness label of CFS and feel comforted by it. In other conditions too there is some resistance to Autism being 'revealed' as retrovirally induced brain damage, which in some cases it is. Too great to consider for parents that is, too painful. 'Jimmy' the challenging but lovely young man in his own world with few friends is easier to see as just 'Jimmy' our Jimmy (by mom and dad) than Jimmy without XMRV induced autism who could have been a lawyer and wooed the girls due to his dashing blue eyes - eyes that sadly now look only at books on trains and buses, of which there are 542 on the shelf in alphabetical order. It's easier to accept and deal with Autism and pretend 'Jimmy' didn't have his brain ruined by XMRV at birth. Hence Autism people dream up magical terms and pet names for their kids and claim they are 'blessed' and 'special'.
(Why would an Austistic be more 'special' than any other child?. Just a defence mechanism by mom and dad to cope with severe neuro issues that ruin kids lives). The last thing these types of parent want is being told their kid has XMRV.
A big barrier we have V99, is people themselves are scared of the truth. The powers that be work on this through faux reassurance of the well used but appropriate saying:
There is nothing to see, please move along. (We are hearded like sheep into a pen, and get used to chewing one very worn and parched piece of lawn). To 'see' the lush grass that lays in open ground, yards from our noses takes education, and it takes impetus, even if people are no longer fearful.
Our immense failing (tragically) is our brains in ME/XMRV/CFS etc are too exhausted to be able to physically make the effort to make change happen. As much as we wish the world to be fair and moral, the world is largely a horrible mean place that few can enjoy unless fortunate or healthy. WPI in this respect are like an angel alighting on our shoulders. They will guide us, and I feel if possible people should donate $10 per month to the WPI. Change may come V99, but slowly. Humans feel comforted in what we know, and are universally worried of the unknown. We thus kill and maime in countless wars, instead of spending money on space exploration and spreading love and peace. Love and peace benefits all, yet selfishness benefits US. Hence we are all inherintly selfish people. Chronic disease (in some) forces us to open our eyes and see the inequalties of life and unequal distribution of chance and opportunity. Yet, in comparison, being a heralded CFS psychiatrist, praised from all corners by the state and guzzling on extreme wealth, does not. For these people, insight ended at University/College after they got the MD.
The end message is, humans are essentially evil, manipulative and selfish people. We have to be, to kill and survive. We need to kill to eat, except food now comes pre-packaged. 'Good' people,often fear God, we are thus good because of fear. And religion thus controls us, from fear of reprisals by being bad. Many many people though, are Godless and faithless and fear no one and instead project fear and self hatred onto other people. (I'm not suggesting non religious people are bad people!). Just that region is a wonderful tool to control us.
Psychiatrists are experts in doing harm via 'theories' of genuine suffering of disease and pain, being made into a psychological construct of a beacon for distress and attention seeking. (How the CDC view people with CFS). If these dangerous people are doctors and fear no one, they can do exactly what they damn well wish, with no guilt or remorse................Enter stage left, Professor Simon Wessely and William Reeves with the giggling head of the UNUM in the theatre wings counting his profit and others we have no idea of.
You will never, ever for one second beat the state or the modus operandi they have. All we can do is love and protect people we care for and pray for others that times will change. In XMRV, times will change. In CFS and other CFS type conditions? Without a diagnostic bio-marker, they are doomed because evil people need a slave, and 'sick' diseased people are desperate for help and easily, easily manipulated and controlled.
By definition there can never be a bio-marker for CFS because what CFS is. A state of CFS happens in Diabetes, Hypothyroid, Lupus etc etc. These folk won't meet the biomarker for CFS though. To 'Solve' CFS as the CAA suggest, you need to kill CFS and find out why people are ill.
CFS by definition does not allow an explanation for why people are ill. Meaning a bio-marker that LASTS for CFS, is impossible.
I am hoping the CAA mean they wil Solve CFS and create a new disease that is no longer called CFS. That is possible. NB: Dr Light's work explained in the CAA 'Webinar' would mean people cannot have CFS because it shows organic pathology. CFS is 'unexplained' by definition. CDC caused this, they could have said CFS has gene induced exercise changes (for example), or Cytokine expression after exercise (for example) but does not as then it shows CFS is not psychiatric but organic and theories on child abuse and 'resistance to treatment' is void.
Criminals know where to go, and the CDC know what to do with 'CFS', I can assure you. For CFS, 'XMRV' just opened up a whole new world of hurt. The CDC website is outrageously cruel in how it describes CFS, who cares other than V99 and us people on here? People in the street believe what they read, they trust doctors and definately trust the CDC. Why wouldn't they? We can do nothing, but donate money to people who are commited to a bio-marker for CFS that then emerges as another new disease. That is our ticket out of the death camp we were born into in this 'modern' CCTV Big Brother - you will comply or be tazered - world.
People accept (via brainwashing) 'you resisted' as an excuse for the Police to pass an electric current through a person's body (torture). If humans accept torture is normal (even in public in front of children), then they will not care for one second about your 'Chronic Tiredness' Syndrome. Poor dears, they think and walk off. Society is increasingly uncaring, violent and dangerous. People have far more on their plate to worry about, than 'CFS' and some freaky retrovirus called XMRV. Big deal, they think. The ball game is on at 7pm on ESPN HD and my mother-in-law wants $932 for the car insurance.
The sunshine is out there, and it's waiting for us but the majority (not all) of people don't
believe it's there anymore and THAT is one giant hurdle. Literally, the only way to escape is to become mini doctors and scientists ourselves and that is very very hard, when we are not all blessed with high IQ's and the ability to learn new information when suffering from neuro diseases. (Hence the brilliance of the internet and sharing information and learning new information).
The CAA is here to educate us patients and the public and hopefully they can do that. As for the CDC? They're already inventing the next 'CFS' for the Swine Flu Vaccine reactions when these people produce babies with mysterious immune reactions. Lets see where that goes in 20 years......