*Nods* like I keep saying
If you want to make enemies, try to change something"
something has to be driving the vast increases in cancer, autism and autoimmune illnesses, it's impossible for genetics to trigger such enormous increases in such a short time, and studies show these rates of increase are fact and are astronomical.
The "elephant in the room" is NOT "
can we cure cancer" but "
What the hell is causing so much of it?"
you have the following choices:
1) pesticides & herbicides
the organochlorate and organophosphates used since WW2 are heinously toxic, especially the latter
for decades corporate shills touted out "
How safe they were"
oh yeah, really, Sarin-relatives are SAFE?! STFU! You spray them on a town you'd kill hundreds of people, only difference between Sarin and a typical pesticide version is the latter is chosen/designed for less toxicity to mammals than to arthropods, it's STILL a contact nerve poison and most of 'em are nasty mutagens
And now...oh, finally they admit they may not be so safe....and hence growing push in Europe to ban them
and the industry pundits fight against this, oh, who is against this, would it happen to be...folk like JunkScience, Science media Centre types?
because you know, making food is important!! can't get in way of progress and that! *slaps forehead*
Technology Uber Alles
Money/arrogance over people.
See also the bullsh*t over DDT
no, it was not banned where it was needed, it was banned for COMMERICAL
crop spraying because that was the damn problem, using it in vast quantities IS dangerous, not small scale house spraying etc..and in the end anyway, it's useless because resistiance always defeats it. All you can use it for is to give short term relief, and use tha breahting space to drain stagnant water, improve local health care etc.
General public health works, societal improvements (like letting women get health care etc ye gods the backwardness of some places, ugh) and civil engineering are a damn sight better than drugs and pesticides for reducing health issues
2) Vaccines
multiple severe and unnatural immune responses triggered in children, injected with foreign genetic material grown in labs with chemicals designed to highten the immune response
some of those labs connected with biowarfare experiments
Pharma corps admittedly consider vaccines "bargain basement" work with extremely high profit returns (because they conned governments into accepting the idemnity!)
Early work done on such where private companies kept primates from across the globe in close, filthy conditions, ie, rich spawning grounds for viruses to "blend" into new, fun, fun shapes!

um, hello?! Earth to sanity, come in, sanity
3) Heavy metals
from tetraethyl lead from car fumes to lead pipes and sinter plants, elemental toxic metals have been soaking into every day life for two centuries at a geometric rate, but the tetraethyl lead was potentially the worst, air borne, with the increase of cars post WW2, we got car smog...and other materials within the combustion products were identified as extremely carciogenic (saw a study from Japan claiming a compound found in diesel exhausts was the most potent carcinogen they'd ever seen...unsurpisingly that report somehow went under the radar)
here in UK, government was more concerned with industry, $$$, than Human health:
Hey, can't have cars "pinking" and it's only those sub-humans in dense urban areas, ie the poor labour voters, who're going to soak that poison up, not the nice, more spread out and away from the roads professional types! Who cares if more morlocks have subnormal children, eh? If they kill each other off with increased violence and drug addiction what matters that to the Elite on their playing fields of Eton?
(that bit was dark sarcasm, in case some misconstrue it, but IMHO, has grain of truth to it)!
Bah! *spits*
Scumbags didn't ban tetraethyl lead here until 2000
4) Increased world population
vastly increased air travel (so virsues won't die out as they used on long sea voyages as passengers either died or became immune)
"bush meat" trade (See Ebola for why that's so damn bad) and foolish holiday making to dangerous areas = more exotic viruses etc being brought back to their communities
5) Synergy
the Real World (tm) is *NOT* a laboratory!
you simply cannot understand/note how such things behave in real situations from lab work alone. The blinkered stupid arrogance I've seen...GAH!!!
Real world, real people's health is NOT like freaking CERN!!! (not getting at physicists at all, rather, those who expect basic lab work on animals etc to pan out neatly on Homo Sapiens Urbanis)
You can run a million runs in particle physics and get good data safely and without the mind boggling complexities a real, dirty, chaotic world has.
Physicists know they need perfect precision and "exclusion".
You can't get reliable data otherwise.
But tests in labs with things which occur in the complex real ORGANIC world are on a false start to begin with, alas
(reductionism is fine for parts, but people are more than parts),
necessary limitation of coruse of practicalities of research, but still will give false baselines in the end
And synergies...ugh, until recently, the required computing/analysis/data gathering was simply impossible for such, it's staggeringly complex as every new interaction can spiral off a cascade of possibilities....
Synergy: in simple terms oh, a very surprising thing was found in the late 1800s
nitro (actually two mixed nasty acids) + glycerine (mostly harmless syrupy stuff) =
6) and finally, horrifingly
chance some of this is related to bioweapon tests on the population
not saying such IS the cause, merely those crazy maniacs'
may well have had a hand in this
since, if they were crazy enough to release huge amounts of "quote" harmless "unquote" bacteria over cities from what has been uncovered....what the hell did they do that was NOT uncovered?
note this
such things were only discovered by investigative journalists who were often dismissed as crackpots for years (until goverments had to apologize and admit they were right), or ironically, by the auditing systems of government
Like it or damn not, HIV *could* be a bioweapon, note I said *could* be not that it *is* (one of nasty issues about such heinous crap is it is so dubious, and muddies the waters unecessarily, another reason all activities such should be banned).
We know for fact funding/interest was there for such specific weapon development (hey go check for yourself, US government records prove this)
weaponized pathogens are...bad, very different kettle of fish from normal disease organisms
and there
was as said, work/interest/fudning for immune-system affecting agents
whether such
was carried out, whether it was even practical by science of the time (military research is often up to 10+ years ahead of civlian in some areas, see SR-71 Blackbird)...who knows?
Lyme Disease and the Soviet's insanity in the Aral Sea region suggests that, hey, they really could have been that stupid.
We Humans have created the perfect storm...with us being the leaves blown on it's winds