I'm one of the other positives
Hi, all.
I'm the second positive person on the PCR/DNA poll. The other person who is positive already posted their results and thoughts about it in a thread awhile back if you do a search.
I've been hesitant to post for various reasons, but primarily because I'm in a very severe 3 month long crash I haven't been able to dig out of. I have a lot ahead of me and need to be diligent about resting, and was worried because I can't keep up with posts or questions at the moment.
There were some privacy issues as well. My name and face are out there, and it feels funny posting such significant private health results in a public board that is googlable and can be tied to my blog and video.

I don't have the energy to create a fake screen name though, and would feel funny doing so. So, my voting on the poll was my way of participating on the forum and still (for the time being) maintaining my privacy.
My other reason for waiting is that I only have partial results back (only the DNA PCR). I have not heard back yet on the culture test. I emailed them yesterday and it sounds like that part of the test is still not complete. I sent the blood in October.
Anyway, for those who do not know my story, I have severe ME/CFS and am bedbound and unable to speak more than a few words above a whisper. I've been ill 13 years and became ill after getting mono at age 24.
I also fit the "Incline Village cohort" in that I have severe RNase L dysregulation, low NK cells and activity, and active co-infections including HHV6. I also tested positive for Lyme by CDC criteria through Igenex (twice).
I haven't decided how I feel about this, but given the severity of my case and the lack of any treatment avenue ever really helping me, I am glad to know that this opens the door for more treatment opportunities in the future, and that it could potentially explain the severity of my case.
As noted, I'm not able to be online much these days, so may not be able to reply to q's... my apologies.
Also, I may decide to post this information to my blog at some point, but would appreciate respect of my privacy if I choose not to do so.

Thanks kindly!
Best regards,