XMRV VIPdx Positive for Culture


Senior Member
Got my dictation from Dr. Peterson today: negative for PCR and positive for culture. He won't tell me what he thinks of this until I see him in person, which due to an upcoming move will not happen for some time. A few weeks ago, I was hoping that I'd be negative for both, but recently have come to realize what kinds of doors having a retrovirus opens for treatment if my current treatment does not lead to recovery. I believe the implications of harboring retrovirus in WBCs (culture) is the same as bloodstream (PCR).

However, I will not pursue treatment for ~6 months at least and will see how pilot studies/clinical trials start panning out. Dr. P originally mentioned AZT but I am not prepared to go that route.


happy to be here
mountains of north carolina
Hi, m0joey. Thanks for posting - very interesting. I have not read much of your story on here, just that you're going the neural therapy route (right?) - is it written up somewhere?

ETA Never mind! Guess that would be on the *blog* in your *signature* :D !


Senior Member
Hi fresh eyes

I haven't posted much on here recently, but have been following the XMRV threads very closely. My NT treatment is in the General Treatments section as well as my blog, which is a mix of treatment and more miscellaneous/personal material.

In a nutshell, been sick for 5 years, 26 yr-old male, sudden severe mono onset, done just about every treatment possible (i.e. Yasko, antivirals--valtrex, long-term antibiotics, rich's protocol, food elimination, ozone, biophoton treatment) At about 50-60 on Bell's disability scale.

Worst symptoms: PEM, orthostatic intolerance, brain inflammation/swelling, brain fog, insomnia


Senior Member
status during test?


how were u doing when u had the blood draw? did u feel in a crash? i think you've said you've been improving, right? maybe that's why there was not a sign of active xmrv?



happy to be here
mountains of north carolina
A few weeks ago, I was hoping that I'd be negative for both, but recently have come to realize what kinds of doors having a retrovirus opens for treatment if my current treatment does not lead to recovery...However, I will not pursue treatment for ~6 months at least and will see how pilot studies/clinical trials start panning out. Dr. P originally mentioned AZT but I am not prepared to go that route.

I agree, it seems utterly bizarre to hope for a retrovirus, but I'm there, exactly because it opens up a whole new realm of treatment options. We should know *a lot* more in 6 mos. Are you particularly leery of AZT?


Senior Member
hey jim

I was feeling particularly bad. I always do when I need to travel to see Peterson, so I doubt it was because of my upward trajectory.

If I have improved in the last year, I think I'd put it somewhere between 5-10%. My other immune labs haven't changed since I started seeing Peterson; in fact some markers like WBC count have actually gone down.

However, I really didn't care about the PCR to begin with because of its hit or miss nature. I was more concerned with the viral culture and antibodies, but particularly the viral culture.


Senior Member
Hi fresh eyes

I can see why some would want to jump on AZT, but I am indeed leery of the toxicity, not just for a toxic ARV but any drugs at this point. I have much faster phase 1 vs phase 2 metabolism, so the toxicity would be compounded by liver issues. It all depends on where we stand with our current treatments and our differing views of our own prognosis.


Senior Member
fresh eyes

I believe I was on the right path with that treatment but had to stop a month ago. The combination of the NT and getting regenerative IVs really seemed to help, but I know it'll take at least 6 months of treatment to see significant results (I only did 3).

I will have a much better estimate when I re-start treatment in January.


Senior Member

Well, I think your news is good. At least you have possible treatment in the future.

Can you tell me where your viruses are today; hhv6, ebv, cmv? And were you ever treating mycoplasma infection???

I have done neural treatment with pleos, and have had temporary relief, but nothing ever lasted. I live in Central Ohio and see a doctor who treats with pleos. I now see Dr. Lerner.

It seems like you have a good plan...


Senior Member
Hi KC22

My viral loads have gone down a lot since I started treatment with the biophotons. What I do is attach homeopathic vials for the pathogen (HHV-6, ebv, myco, lyme, bartonella, babesia etc) to my solar plexus and then photon certain acupuncture points and organs. Usually within 4-6 treatments I'm able to clear those pathogens as reflected in energetic testing.

I wouldn't say they're completely gone because of the anaerobic state my body is still in--and possibly the XMRV--but they're controlled. The ozone has helped a lot with that too.

I haven't gotten my viral titers re-tested in labs because I only had elevated IGGs for the most part, which reflect chronic infection.

I don't trust the accuracy of any one electrodermal evaluation, but I do trust the overall trend. I got over a dozen of these done in the last year by several different practitioners, and by the last test pathogens were pretty much reined in. XMRV wasn't in the databases used for testing.

That's great that you found a doc that uses Pleos in Central Ohio of all places! Dr. Lerner is great as well.


Senior Member

I am just wondering if there is a connection with the viruses and coinfections to XMRV. That would make a good poll.

I think it is great you have been able to keep them under control with ozone, homepathics, etc.

It will be interesting to see how far you can go with NT and then follow with the treatment they are going to offer for xmrv. It all seems hopeful.

Michael Dessin

Senior Member

By any chance did you have a hysterectomy, they tend to slow progress dramatically.

Lerner is great, generally doing neural therapy before antibitics or anti-viral makes subsequent treatments much more effective.



Senior Member
Central Texas
culture vs PCR

Hi, Joey,

I think I am happy for you. I am happy that if you have to have XMRV, at least you didn't get a false negative.

Do you think that all the tx you have been doing have made the XMRV less active, and it's hiding out in the wbc's rather than out in the blood where a PCR could catch it?

I've also had hit-or-miss results with pcr's for mycoplasma, and never had a positive for HHV-6 tho antibodies were very high at times. By your comment, I'm not sure if you are saying the PCR is iffy or if it could be something like the XMRV has been knocked back.

Or if it's synergistic with the herpes viruses, then treating those might indirectly make it less active, maybe??

I vaguely remember you are doing a gut protocol. I hope it's helping! I am doing much better since I found out I have low stomach acid. Adding Pepsin HCL has helped with my symptoms of dysbiosis. I just ate some chocolate though:eek:

Thanks for your great posts and blog.

Hi to everyone! Happy late birthday Mike! I am so happy you could celebrate.



Senior Member
Hi Kelly

Very good questions, and obviously I cannot say with certainty but it seems very probable that PCRs vary with the aggression/efficacy of treatments.

That's also why I don't put too much stock in PCRs. I've never had a positive PCR test (like many here I'm sure) for pathogens that I knew I had like HHV-6, EBV, even lyme. That's why antibodies elevated beyond a certain upper limit must be taken seriously in evaluating pathogens. That and electrodermal testing are my bedrocks.

The thing with photon treatments is that I know they don't eradicate viruses from your system either. The treatment is based on your immune system's own tools to target the electronic frequency of the specific pathogen I'm attaching in vials to my solar plexus. The best you can hope for is latency with any bug really. Lyme has been proven to also invade the host DNA and integrate portions of its own. I've heard that our DNA is something like 2x longer by the ends of our lives vs. at birth, and if that's anywhere close to true, that cannot be due only to retroviruses. Bugs and our bodies are symbiotic, and if encoding themselves into our DNA increases their survival rates, evolution will find a way.

I'm still incredibly curious what treating with an XMRV nosode would do, because that treatment would theoretically involve using healthy WBCs to attack infected WBCs. In other words, a targeted autoimmune therapy. I have several friends doing this treatment using electronically-generated vials, but a nosode series is the only real deal: it is derived from live virus. It may be a year or more before European pharmacies however get their hands on live virus. Even in Germany, there is much more of a crackdown on homeopathy than in years past.

Gut Protocol
Yes I certainly believe it's helping. I put in suppositories every night before bedtime and half the nights I wake up completely drenched. I'm looking forward to the completion of the protocol. Dr. Kennedy said he's gotten better than 9/10 success rate with this protocol on CFIDS patients (but I think he may define "succes" as "improvement") Like you, I've gotten much benefit from adding the betaine HCL (and pancreatin). The stomach, pancreas, gut, and others munctories (kidney, liver) must all be addressed at once. That's why the sanpharma protocol makes so much sense to me.


Senior Member
Hey Sue,

I didn't get this impression at all. In fact, he was glowing about it.

However, it has been 2 months since I saw him, so the game may have changed since then. If he got swept away and the evidence is swaying in the other direction, I can see him getting very depressed about the setback. Must remember, he has been hinged on this retrovirus since '91.


Senior Member
i heard peterson thinks mikovitz and klimas are being premature in their excitement about xmrv...and maybe the treatment possibilities. someone told me he doesnt seem that excited and even seems depressed about the discovery. i wonder what he knows.

Can you tell us where you heard this, please? Didn't I read somewhere that Peterson claimed that HHV6 was the cause of M.E./CFS? Perhaps that experience has made him wary. However, your bit of news is worrysome. Are you sure it isn't just rumour? I was just getting hopeful...ah, well. We were warned!


Senior Member
Is it, isn't it.

I didn't get this impression at all. In fact, he was glowing about it.

:D :thumbsup:

However, it has been 2 months since I saw him, so the game may have changed since then. If he got swept away and the evidence is swaying in the other direction, I can see him getting very depressed about the setback. Must remember, he has been hinged on this retrovirus since '91.

:Sign Please:

I think I shall stay under the covers until January 22nd. This is too much for the blood pressure. :headache:


Senior Member
Dr Peterson not happy ??

ladybugmandy;31974]hi there. i can tell you that i heard it from a long-time patient of peterson.

Sounds like a reliable source. :headache:

Thanks, Sue