XMRV testing in Europe

Alice Band

PWME - ME by Ramsay
There is a possibility that VIP might be able to do something for Europe (I am speaking to them). Not sure if we will be able to jump the queue though.

I should have some news by early next week.

Send me a private message if you are desperate or about to make any expensive decisions.

Alice Band

PWME - ME by Ramsay
I'll also be looking at the Cipla company in India for cheap generics (just as an example).

Once we get testing in the UK there will be people considering tx who do not have insurance to pay for it and the NHS will take it's time to catch up.

I guess that it is going to be the same as "normal" for me. Always following the treatment threads on groups to see what people are trying. Following any interviews with doctors to see what theories they have.

Ocassionally being able to put together some money and see a doctor or buy some drugs. Sending off abroad for cheap generics when I can. Getting people to send me things that they not longer need or that didn't agree with them.

Fighting my PCT for access to experimental drugs.


I am getting a lot of conflicting information...I saw on another blog that Redlabs Belgium is claiming that they and VIP are one in the same...? But when I spoke to VIP they said they changed their name in march from RedLabs USA to VIP so that people would not confuse the two anymore. They said they are in no way one in the same company.....where are these people getting this information....I would also like to know where people are finding that VIP is trying to get the test over here in europe. they are not the ones that are going to license it to europe....WPI has to do that, it is their test. VIP only licensed the technology... I think people need to actually call the company and get there information right from the source...

Alice Band

PWME - ME by Ramsay
Hi Keepsmiling,

We have been ringing the companies and getting the information from source. There is one person in particular (Annette Barclay) who has been working on this (as I have).

She set up this website


We are close to having the test from VIP available to the UK.

If anyone is interested email Annette at this email address and talk direct to her. She has all the instructions from WIP, the test forms and is talking to Biolab in London to try and get a central point for taking bloods and sending to VIP

(as VIP would like them in batches if possible)



Breakspear are freezing the samples for people with ME and will ship them off - somewhere in the new year.

Annette is great. :)