study Van der Meer
Well, I am Dutch, and I am VERY upset by this article.
Professor Van der Meer is a professor of internal medicine at the University of Nijmegen, he has been involved in research into ME since at least the early nineties. He has always strongly opposed any bio-medical cause for ME. He doesn't believe ME exists, other than in our sick minds. Therefore he cooperated with Prof. VAn Bleijenberg, a psychologist from the same university. They set up a program for CBT and GET.
He is 'the' expert on ME in the Netherlands, no-one else, all the newspapers come to him. When the first news about the Science Paper broke, the newspapers went to him and asked his opinion, he said it was very bad, it was just one of those articles that now and then appear that 'claim' to have found the cause of ME. And all the newspapers published his opinion. Very derogarative some of those articles about us, ME patients.
Apparently this article that they published today is already on all the Dutch newspaper sites. So it is very very bad for us.
Most people in the Netherlands are completely unaware of what is going on in the U.S. The WPI, The NCI, the CROI papers, anything.
So in fact ,what we need now, is a list of arguments why this particular research is flawed, just like there were lists about where the two Britisc papers were flawed. I am no scientist, it is hard for me to understand all that you knowledgeable people know, but I try. I couldn't reproduce it though, so any wel funded criticism of this article is more than welcome :worried: