CFSACMeeting CFSAC Day 1 Annette Whittemore
Hi Gerwyn,
I wouldn't do this for just anyone, but for you I have transcribed Annette Whittemore's testimony at the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee's meeting last fall. It was expertly taped, thanks to Wanda Jones, and is now on YouTube.
I transcribed only as far as the statement you are looking for, but if you need the rest, I will transcribe the rest. (I suspect that you are a hunt-and-peck typist, and I am a speedy touch typist.) Maybe someone has already transcribed it, and I just couldn't find it.
I see that when I quoted her above, I did not get the words exactly right.
I see that Annette Whittemore's statement is almost identical to what jspotila wrote, so maybe I'll add her to my refrigerator door gallery also. I look forward to visitors' questions: "Who are all these women?"
Hi Advocate
Where did this quote come from
Hi Gerwyn,
I wouldn't do this for just anyone, but for you I have transcribed Annette Whittemore's testimony at the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee's meeting last fall. It was expertly taped, thanks to Wanda Jones, and is now on YouTube.
I transcribed only as far as the statement you are looking for, but if you need the rest, I will transcribe the rest. (I suspect that you are a hunt-and-peck typist, and I am a speedy touch typist.) Maybe someone has already transcribed it, and I just couldn't find it.
I see that when I quoted her above, I did not get the words exactly right.
Well, first of all I'd like to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to speak to you this morning on behalf of the Whittemore-Peterson Institute, and more importantly on behalf of my family.
As many of you are aware, I am the founder and president of this institute, and the mother of a beautiful adult daughter who has been ill for 20 years in spite of our best efforts to find a cure.
The good news today is that all of you have suffered from a serious and debilitating disease of unknown origin now have the attention of the government and the world.
They've been given an important pece of the puzzle that cannot be ignored--a retrovirus named XMRV.
As you've just heard from Dr. Peterson's talk, it is a retrovirus that is actively replicating in the blood of 2/3 of the patients and actually showing up in over 90% of the antibody-positive tests. Active infections of retrovirus are not common in humans like EBV and HHV6.
Once you become infected with a virus like this, it does last for life, and it may cause serious disease characterized by chronic inflammation, neurological deficit and immune system dysfunction, which is very similar to what we see in CFS.
Finding an active retrovirus in the blood of humans cannot be ignored or taken lightly. In fact, it is so extraordinary that virologists and immunologists from around the world have eagerly requested more information from Dr. Mikovits and her team. And today, actually, the reason she is not here is she has been invited to do grand rounds at the hematology-oncology division of the University of Florida.
Thanks to the work of scientists in the HIV field, there are many who have the expert training, experience and technology to learn more about how XMRV impacts those who have become infected.
How do these findings change the world of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Number one, it ends the debate. CFS is not and never was a psychological disorder. Those who are ill have always known this, and the physicians who take care of them have always known this.
And now finally, those who attempted to keep patients from receiving medical care for this disease know this.
Number two, this finding demands serious attention.
I see that Annette Whittemore's statement is almost identical to what jspotila wrote, so maybe I'll add her to my refrigerator door gallery also. I look forward to visitors' questions: "Who are all these women?"
...the Association does not and never has believed CFS is a psychiatric disease.