XMRV research: does it matter if WPI don't do any more?


Phoenix Rising Founder
I am still voting and I have my signature and you know how I feel about XMRV :)....
but XMRV is only one part of the WPI...the other part is a very large CFS clinic tied to a research center - a first in CFS; whether or not XMRV turns out that is something we should all support. These are the kind of centers that we need.

XMRV may or may not turn out but the WPI should go on....so lets support one of the few major efforts in CFS out there :)


Senior Member
Sth Australia
i dont know if I agree with the XMRV stuff nowdays either.. is it correct or not??.. who really knows.

I second what Cort said whether it is correct or not we all need the WPI to go on as even if the XMRV dont pan out for them.. they will end up studying other ME things and whether liked or not liked by the rest of the scientific or medical community (whether they can get their studies out in leading journals or not).. whatever they find we will always be hearing about it and the info will filter down throu their patients etc etc if worst came to the worst.

Who knows but they "could" end up our saviours with something other then the XMRV. We need our very sickest members of our communities researched and I think the WPI are the ones who can and will be doing that.


Off the fence
Great to see more signatures making it easy for people to vote in Vivint. I have another strategy, and I could really use a couple of helpers to gain 100+ votes a day. If you're intrigued, send me a pm...

I've emailed all my contacts about the Vivint competition, and I'm sending the poor sods a reminder every day. I have said in the original email that if anyone wants to be taken off the list, they can just email me - so far I have had no requests for removal. I'm sure some are sending my reminders to the spam folder, but by my facebook page, others are voting daily.

We can win this, but only if we pull out all the stops. Don't be shy, people like to back a winner.