XMRV/MRV Calendar


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
January 2011

  • Blood XMRV Scientific Research Working Group: Estimated date for collection of blood for phase III

  • Dr. Mikovits speaks in Santa Rosa, CA, USA

Speaking on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the XMRV Retrovirus and Human MLV-related Viruses. How they relate to chronic inflammatory neuroimmune diseases, including CFS, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, chronic Lyme disease, and cancer...
It was reported that she will also speak about treatment with antiretroviral drugs [Source: http://www.associatedcontent.com/ar...iral_drugs_or_not_two_doctors_pg2.html?cat=70]

February 2011


  • NIH Videocast: Shyh-Ching Lo (FDA), Fred Gill (NIDDK) and Harvey Alter (NIDDK): "Demystifying Medicine - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Is there a virus?"

"This event will include the presentation of patients, pathology, diagnosis and therapy context of major disease problems and current research. The course is designed to help bridge the gap between advances in biology and their application to major human diseases. Each session includes clinical and basic science components presented by NIH staff and invitees. These seminar series are primarily directed toward PhD students, clinicians and program managers. All students, fellows and staff are welcome, as well."


  • 18th CROI (Conference on Retroviruses an Opportunisitc Infections) in Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Scientists of IrsiCaixa (Spain) are to present a biomarker (?)​

March 2011


  • Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology Seminar Series: Dr. Judy A. Mikovits: "Strategies for Detecting XMRV infection in Clinical samples" (Location: Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2H7, Canada)

"Host: Dr. Andrew Mason, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine (Gastroenterology)"

  • Opman XIX


At this conference (which is primarily about HIV) Dr. M. A. Conant will speak about "The Association of XMRV with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Prostate Cancer, Autism and Transfusion"


  • The New York Academy of Sciences: Pathogens in the Blood Supply (Location: New York, NY, USA)

"According to the American Blood Center, approximately 14 million units of blood are transfused in the United States every year. Current screening protocols routinely test for several pathogens, including the Hepatitis B virus, Hepatitis C virus, Human Immunodeficiency viruses, Types 1 and 2, Human T-Lymphotropic virus Types 1 and 2 and syphilis. Recent headlines indicate that the blood supply may contain other organisms, such as Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus Related Virus (XMRV), that are not currently being identified in these routine screens. This symposium will diagnose the current problems, reveal recent advances in the testing and screening of the blood supply, and will explore future directions."

Speakers will include the Drs. Mikovits and Lipkin

April 2011


  • Dr. Daniel Peterson to speak about his treatment approach, XMRV, using cytokine panels for diagnosis (Location: Blackfoot Inn, Calgary, Canada)

Contact: Eleanor Stein, Phone (+1) 403 287 9941, Fax (+1) 403 287 9958, Email espc@shaw.ca


  • NIH: State of the Knowledge Workshop on ME/CFS Research (Location: NIH Campus, Bethesda, MD, USA)
"The National Institutes of Health will convene a State of the Knowledge Conference on ME/CFS on April 7-8, 2011. This conference is being organized by the Trans-NIH ME/CFS Working Group and will be open to the public. More details to follow as the agenda, speakers and registration process are finalized." [Source: http://www.cfids.org/archives/2006-2010-cfidslink/december-2010.asp]​

  • iMosaic: Dr. Brewer, MD to speak about XMRV (Location: Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN, USA)


  • Dr. David Bell: "Current status of XMRV Research and Comments on the NIH April State of Knowledge Conference" (Location: 305 South Street, Jamaica Plain/ Boston, Massachusetts 02130, USA)


"Dr. Bell will have just returned from the State of Knowledge Conference, a 2-day event bringing together researchers, clinicians, government officials and patient advocates.

This lecture is co-sponsored by the Massachusetts CFIDS/ME & FM Association and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health at the Hinton State Laboratory Institute. [...] There is plenty of free parking and the auditorium comfortably holds a large group, so please pass the word.

Further details will be forthcoming."

May 2011


  • Meeting of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee (CFSAC) (Location: Department of Health and Human Services; Room 800, Hubert H. Humphrey Building; 200 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20201; USA)

"The Committee shall advise and make recommendations to the Secretary, through the Assistant Secretary for Health, on a broad range of topics including
(1) the current state of knowledge and research and the relevant gaps in knowledge and research about the epidemiology, etiologies, biomarkers and risk factors relating to CFS, and identifying potential opportunities in these areas;
(2) impact and implications of current and proposed diagnosis and treatment methods for CFS;
(3) development and implementation of programs to inform the public, health care professionals, and the biomedical academic and research communities about CFS advances; and
(4) partnering to improve the quality of life of CFS patients. The agenda for this meeting is being developed. The agenda will be posted on the CFSAC Web site, http://www.hhs.gov/advcomcfs, when it is finalized. The meeting will be broadcast over the Internet as a real-time streaming video. It also will be recorded and archived for on demand viewing through the CFSAC Web site.
Public attendance at the meeting is limited to space available.
Members of the public will have the opportunity to provide oral testimony at the May 10-11, 2011, meeting if pre-registered. Individuals who wish to address the Committee during the public comment session must pre-register by Monday, April 18, 2011, via e-mail to cfsac@hhs.gov."

[See http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2011/pdf/2011-6702.pdf for further details]


  • The 6th Invest in ME International ME/CFS Conference 2011: The Way Forward for ME - A Case for Clinical Trials (Location: Westminster, London, UK)

http://www.investinme.org/IiME Conference 2011/IiME 2011 International ME Conference.htm

"The education of healthcare staff about ME/CFS now needs to break with the past and reflect the new found knowledge about the pathogenesis of ME/CFS which high quality biomedical research is providing.
The conference will be oriented toward providing healthcare staff and others with knowledge of the latest research and the biomarkers which allow appropriate treatments to be prescribed.
However, apart from a knowledge of the biomedical research which is ongoing it is necessary for healthcare staff to be aware of the multiple symptoms exhibited by ME patients and of the possible treatments available.
Research data and experiences of treating ME/CFS will be presented as will findings from the latest biomedical research. The time is right for moving ahead with new findings and embarking on clinical trials to enable rapid progress to be made with discovery of effective treatments.
The presenters at the conference represent the world's most current ME/CFS knowledgebase regarding ME/CFS."

Speakers will be the Drs. David Bell, Judy Mikovits, Kenny de Meirleir, Jose Montoya, John Chia, Prof. Olav Mella and/or Dr. Oystein Fluge, Annette Whittemore plus other, additional speakers, to be announced later.


  • Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory: 36th annual meeting on Retroviruses (Location: Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA)


  • IPFA/PEI 18th International Workshop on Surveillance and Screening of Blood Borne Pathogens (Location: Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Dublin, Ireland)


The Drs. Silverman (one of the discoverers of XMRV and co-author of Lombardi et al., the first study linking XMRV with CFS), Blomberg (author of the negative Swedish XMRV study that was presented at the 1st Int'l XMRV Workshop in Sept. 2010) and Busch (Director, Blood Systems Research Institute; Member of the Blood XMRV Scientific Research Working Group) will speak about XMRV.​

June 2011


  • 15th International Conference on Human Retrovirology: HTLV and Related Retroviruses (Location: Aula Pieter De Somer, Charles Deberiotstraat 24, Leuven, Belgium)


"The main topics of the meeting will be human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV), Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) and endogenous retroviruses. All accepted abstracts will be published in the free online journal "Retrovirology""

Robert Silverman (Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH) is part of the Scientific committee​


  • Symposium "XMRV: What do we know about it" (Location: Auditorium Brouwer, Faculteit Geneeskunde en Farmacie, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Laarbeeklaan 103 1090 Brussel)

http://www.hetalternatief.org/XMRV 2011 866.htm

Info: marleenvl@ehmb.be


Francis W. Ruscetti PhD (National Cancer Institute, U.S.A.)


Judy A. Mikovits PhD (W.P.I., University of Nevada, U.S.A.): XMRV and other gammaretroviruses (HGRVs) in neuro-immune diseases

Maureen Hanson PhD (Cornell University, U.S.A.): Assays for MLV-like virus sequences in a New York CFS cohort

Cecilia Cabrera PhD (Irsi Caixa Foundation, Badalona, Spain): Infection of Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-related virus in human lymphoid tissue

Kenny De Meirleir M.D., PhD (Vrije Universiteit Brussel): Prevalence of XMRV in CFS/ME and in healthy blood donors

July 2011

September 2011

  • 2nd International XMRV Workshop

According to the CFIDS Association of America this workshop is being planned. [Source: http://www.cfids.org/xmrv/default.asp]​


  • The 8th International Retroviral NC Symposium (Location: CaixaForum Barcelona, Av. Francesc Ferrer i Gurdia 6-8, 08038 Barcelona, Spain)

  • 10th International IACFS/ME Research and Clinical Conference: Translating Evidence into Practice (Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)

http://www.iacfsme.org/Home/tabid/36/Default.aspx, http://www.iacfsme.org/Conferences/2011Ottawa/tabid/422/Default.aspx

"The Ottawa conference (hosted by the National ME/FM Action Network) will consist of a 4-day professional meeting and a one day (September 22nd, 2011) patient meeting which will coincide with the professional meeting. It is anticipated that this event will be accredited for continuing medical education.
The professional conference themes focus on fatigue, pain, sleep, pediatrics, cognition and brain function in ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and Related illnesses and will be addressed in scientific sessions on assessment and treatment and original research in the fields of immunology, virology and neuroendocrinology. There will also be workshops for clinicians and researchers."

October 2011


  • Frontiers of Retrovirology: Complex retroviruses, retroelements and their hosts (Location: Mvenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre, Piet Heinkade 11, 1019 BR Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Speakers include Dr. Dusty Miller​

December 2011



Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)

Probably everybody is frustrated with the slow progress of science in regard to XMRV and ME/CFS.
So, to at least have as well as possible an overview of what we can expect, i thougt it's a good idea to start a calendar for events related to the research into XMRV and MLV-related viruses. We don't have that yet, or do we?

I think it's best if the calendar is in post #1 of the thread, so everybody knows where to look and it's all in one place.
So please post any dates/events etc. in this thread and i will try to keep post #1 updated. Also please send me private messages with suggestions if things could be formulated better in the calendar. I'm not a native English speaker.

Right now, i have only posted a small number of entries, because i will go out in a couple of minutes and also i'm too lazy (and busy at the moment) to do it all myself. So please help and provide more information.


senior member
Concord, NH
February 2011


  • 18th CROI (Conference on Retroviruses an Opportunisitc Infections) in Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Scientists of IrsiCaixa (Spain) are to present a biomarker (?)​
Dr Coffin is the chair of this meeting/org. Anyone plan on attending and/or doing advocacy? It appears to be starting on a Sunday to Wednsday? I don't have a calendar for next year yet.



Senior Member
England (south coast)
These are not exactly XMRV events, so I'm just posting them here in case you want to include them Eric...
Thanks for keeping the calender up-to-date... it's really useful.

1. CFSAC meeting May 10-11, 2011.
The next meeting of the Department of Health and Human Services CFS Advisory Committee (CFSAC) will be held on May 10-11, 2011 in Washington DC.
Members of the public will have the opportunity to provide oral testimony at this meeting if pre-registered.
Individuals who wish to address the committee during the public comment session much pre-register by Monday April 18th 2011, via email to cfsac@hhs.gov.
Written testimony for distribution to committee members can be submitted to the same email address.

2. Dr. Nancy Klimas and Dr. Gordon Broderick are two of five researchers who will discuss their latest studies of CFS and Gulf War Illness on March 26, 2011 at University of Miami (Florida).


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Hi Bob and FunkOdyssey

Thanks for telling me about those events. I'm not really sure what to do yet, because i started this calendar as a calendar for XMRV related events (XMRVREs :D). Maybe i'll include them or then start another calendar for events important for advocacy, for example, or other types of events. If anyone else knows about upcoming events, please pm me or post the information here, i'll keep the calendar updated.



Senior Member
I support the singular focus on XMRV related events and would agree a separate calendar for other types of events would be appropriate.


Senior Member
England (south coast)
Hi Bob and FunkOdyssey

Thanks for telling me about those events. I'm not really sure what to do yet, because i started this calendar as a calendar for XMRV related events (XMRVREs :D). Maybe i'll include them or then start another calendar for events important for advocacy, for example, or other types of events. If anyone else knows about upcoming events, please pm me or post the information here, i'll keep the calendar updated.


Thanks Eric...
I'll leave it with you to decide...
But both the meetings that I mentioned may be XMRV related events (XMRVREs ;))...
They will be sure to talk about XMRV at the CFSAC meeting, and I think that Nancy Klimas has sent some of her Gulf War Syndrome patients' blood samples for XMRV testing (if my memory serves me right about that.)


Senior Member
Just as a reminder today is the Pathogens in the blood supply webina.

The New York Academy of SciencesAccording to America's Blood Centers, approximately 14 million units of blood are transfused in the United States every year. Current screening protocols routinely test for several pathogens, including the Hepatitis B virus, Hepatitis C virus, Human Immunodeficiency viruses, Types 1 and 2, Human T-Lymphotropic virus Types 1 and 2 and syphilis. Recent headlines indicate that the blood supply may contain other organisms, such as Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus Related Virus (XMRV), that are not currently being identified in these routine screens. This symposium will diagnose the current problems, reveal recent advances in the testing and screening of the blood supply, and will explore future directions.
Hi Bob,

I managed to get a spot for this one through KDM's office. Since all XMRV related subjects where banned from the retrovirology symposium on 7 and 8 june, he took the liberty of uniting the authors of the positive studies for a seperate symposium on the 9th, at the university of Brussels. As you can see Frak Ruscetti will be there to. I will trie to report on this as soon as I'm back.



Senior Member
Hi Bob,

I managed to get a spot for this one through KDM's office. Since all XMRV related subjects where banned from the retrovirology symposium on 7 and 8 june, he took the liberty of uniting the authors of the positive studies for a seperate symposium on the 9th, at the university of Brussels. As you can see Frak Ruscetti will be there to. I will trie to report on this as soon as I'm back.


Is XMRV banned from the retrovirology conference? They had like a dozen presentations planned on XMRV?