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XMRV makes about.com prostate cancer blog


Prostate Cancer Blog

By Matthew Schmitz, M.D., About.com Guide to Prostate Cancer

HIV Drugs May Be Able to Treat XMRV
Wednesday April 7, 2010

XMRV, a virus linked to certain rare familial forms of prostate cancer, was recently in the news after it was cited as a potential risk to the national blood supply.

Now researchers from the University of Utah and Emory University have determined that XMRV can be controlled using certain drugs designed to fight HIV (the virus that causes AIDS). The researchers studied 45 different HIV-fighting compounds to determine which were best at also controlling XMRV.

XMRV is thought to behave in a manner very similar to HIV in the body.

This research has recently been published in the journal PLoS One.