I know what you're saying UKXMRV but I question - as you noted - whether its feasible. We all have CFS and I imagine it takes Kurt deal of time and energy to put these posts together. I would note that much of what we post on these forums is opinion. I do recognize that because Kurt is posting some kind of hard hitting stuff that you want to be sure to separate the two - but you may asking too much.
Thanks for getting that stuff on HERV's Gerwyn!
The genotyping was done during the Science study -when they were able to find XMRV without using culture or activating cells - possibly a different situation than we have now. I did note that the WPI is continuing to sequence the XMRV they find; this is a check on their original findings and will tell us whether its a HERV or something else. One would think they must know by now- and again we're not seeing any retractions or any sense that things are falling apart.
Adam I agree that the HERV argument is pure speculation. The important part of that blog for me is not whether HERV's are present or not but why the shift occurred from not needing to activate the cells to find XMRV to needing to activate the cells in order to find XMRV. If I got it right and I assume I did - Gerwyn would have corrected me by now - something rather dramatic changed. Why did the virus get so much harder to find all of a sudden? It puts Dr. Mikovits lambasting the other research groups for not culturing the virus - when there was no evidence I could find - of the WPI doing that - in a rather strange light. Maybe she communicated with them after the paper came out. In fact she told me that she told the Imperial Group how difficult it was to find the virus...so they were warned.
Kurts theory is one to explain that strange situation.
i,m sorry you cant find the evidence but it is clearly in the paper there is no shift nothing changed
so yes I am correcting you
Dr M might have assumed that other virologists would actually read the paper and felt it unnessary to state the absolutely obvious. ALL latent phase viruses are incredibly hard to detect especially iof you dont look in the right place
they did two lots of pcr i will post the details shortly and i will contextualise the other studies at the same time so that lay people can see the very plain differences