Kurt and Gerwyn,
Why not consider that you both are right;
Lets assume that ME and CFS is overlapping, but not identical diseases. There are overweight of some symptoms in ME and others in CFS.
ME is caused by an Exogenous Retroviruses named XMRV -
CFS is caused by an Endogenous Retrovirus named HERV -
Outbreaks would be HERV - hence there was a CFS-outbreak in Incline Village etc.
Single patient could be HERV or XMRV - depends on spesific symptoms and biomarkers.
RNAse L cleavage would in this scenario be a linkage to patients with XMRV and therefore a biomarker (remember that was Mikovits first clue and Silverman is still working on this in prostata cancer (
It is not totally unliky that you can have CFS as a result of a HERV.
My bias and situation (been sick for appr. 1 year):
I have no active viruses (HHV, EBV, CMV, HPV etc) - all negative
I have no bugs (borrelia, bartonella, coxiella, rickettsia) - all negative
I have some enterococcos and streptococcos in the gut and a bit low on e.coli - running on antibiotics and probiotics as well as B12 shots, 5-HTP and some other supps starting today, including a cfgf diet.
The most essential test results from Red Labs in Belgium;
IL-2/IL-4, ratio TH1/TH2, result 857 (reference 2,00 - 100,00)
IFNg/IL-4, ratioTH1/TH2, result 162 (reference 10,00 - 350,00)
ANOX, Total antixoidant capacity, result 0,76 (reference 0,33 - 0,65 nM)
C4AS, C4 A Serum level, result 1744 (reference 20,00 - 1400,00 ng/ml)
CD57, CD57 Absolute count, result 54 (reference 60,00 - 360,00 cells/ul)
ELAS, Elastase expression, result 850 (reference 0,00 - 150,00)
PERF, Perforin mRNA expression, result 837 (reference 250,00 - 750,00)
RNAE, RNase L cleavage assay, result 1,2 (reference 0,00 - 0,50)
sCD14, Soluble CD14, result 6521 (reference 2800,00 - 5000,00 ng/ml)
CD16CD56+, NK cells CD3-CD16CD56+, result 7 (reference 1,90 - 19,60 %)
CD3+, T cells CD3+, result 75 (reference 62,00 - 84,40 %)
CD3+CD4+, T cells CD3+CD4+, result 43 (reference 29,00 - 67,10 %)
CD3+CD8+, T cells CD3+CD8+, result 29 (reference 10,50 - 44,30 %)
CD4/CD8, ratio T cells CD4/CD8, result 1,48 (reference 0,72 - 2,89)
The doctor says;
You have a general immune activation. We can see that you have an intracellular infection, most likely from a virus, but we cant find any of the usual viruses. You have several of the "biomarkers" that we find in many ME patients, but you are a "clean case" and have been ill for a short period. Your NK cells are still working pretty well.
My bet is that I have ME casued by XMRV.
I have a 20 year old son that came down EBV in March 2008 - still sick. Gradually getting more and more fatigued, low puls (42 resting puls), freezing, but less cognitive problems than me.
My bet is that he has CFS - and maybe a HERV rather than XMRV.
I have a 5 year old son - showing signs of mild autism/asperger. He has stomach trouble, night sweats, emotional outbursts, cognitive problems, reduced eye contact, varying degree of symptoms in different periods.
My bet is that he has ME - childrens edition caused by XMRV, vertically transmitted.
All three share some genetic predisposition for this.
Comments and critics appreciated?
- Funkster
PS! Still waiting for my XMRV Serology Test Result to come back from Red Labs, Belgium.