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XMRV and CFS - the sad end of a story


Senior Member
I know it's all subjective, but it baffles me how ME patients can be negative about Judy Mikovits.
She is following her evidence, as every good scientist should.
She is passionately following a line of research which is important to her, and her statements are based on her evidence.
Judy is being highly vocal in order to attract wider investigation and funding for XMRV, in which she has been extraordinarily successful.
From my perspective, that's a good thing.

Whether or not XMRV comes to anything - and we've got a long way to go to find out yet - I believe that the WPI have helped to transform the world of ME/CFS over the past year or two.
I've only been ill for 8 years, so I don't have a wide historical perspective, but I've seen everything change since the Science paper was published.
Our illness now has a much higher profile than it did a couple of years ago, and some of the most prominent scientists in the world are now talking about it, and even investigating it, such as Alter and Lipkin.

When we look at some other prominent scientists like Wessely, White and Chalder, there's absolutely no comparison, in terms of what Judy is doing for the ME community, and her motivation.
Personally, I just can't see anything to be negative about, in terms of the WPI.
I consider Judy Mikovits to be a friend to ME patients, and I honestly don't understand how she could be seen in any other way.

Just my opinion.

My opinion as well. Even if XMRV blows up, I don't think we will be worse off than the era before XMRV. We should call that the dark ages.


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
Marie Curie
Sk?odowskaCurie was the first person to win or share two Nobel Prizes. She is one of only two people who have been awarded a Nobel Prize in two different fields, the other person being Linus Pauling (for chemistry and for peace). Nevertheless, in 1911 the French Academy of Sciences refused to abandon its prejudice against women, and she failed by two votes to be elected a member. Elected instead was douard Branly, an inventor who had helped Guglielmo Marconi develop the wireless telegraph.[29] It would be a doctoral student of Sk?odowskaCurie, Marguerite Perey, who would become the first woman elected to membership in the Academy over half a century later, in 1962

Louis Pasteur was lambasted and called mad for his ideas of "invisible germs"

ALfred Wegener was one of the people involved in discovering Continental Drit (plate tectonics) and he got dogs' abuse for it by the "old guard" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Wegener#Reaction
An earlier Swiss researcher had his work blocked out of the Geophysical journal for 30 years by an arrogant Scottish upper crust bigot and bully determined to prevent anyone threatening his own belief of geology!

You can go on at length about such cases, history is full of them, all the way back to Socrates and Aristotle
lots of folk get treated like crap by the stupid non-Scientific, bigotted, religious-hysterics-pretending-to-be-scientists assholes around them! :(


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
JPV - it's not over until the fat lady sings - ie the Lipkin study results Dec. 2011.

Yeah, well I guess that the "fat lady" finally sang, didn't she...

The scientist who put the nail in XMRV's coffin

W. Ian Lipkin tells Nature about his efforts to validate the link between retroviruses and chronic fatigue syndrome.

A study published today has found no evidence to support research linking the retroviruses XMRV and pMLV to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). The US$2.3-million study, funded by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), comes three years after a link between XMRV and CFS was first reported in Science.
