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WSJ on CFS: "Wave of New Disabilities Swamps School Budgets"


Senior Member
This is, I think, a very good and very important article by Amy Dockser Marcus in the WSJ, about how schools are dealing with students with CFS.

Unfortunately, it's on restricted access and so people are going to have a hard time taking a look at it if they don't subscribe to the WSJ. If folks want to see it, let me know privately and I will forward it to you.


Boule de feu

Senior Member
Ottawa, Canada
Before I was ill, i had no clue this illness was around. It's only after I got sick that i realized that some of my students also had a "mono-like flu" type of illness. In each case, doctors could not figure out what was wrong with them. Unfortunately, I had to leave my job and could not help any of my students. I feel sorry for that.


Senior Member
You would think there would be a tipping point where somebody high up would decide that it can't be swept under the rug any longer. I know several teens/young adults who have Lyme/CFS and it's an awful limbo for everyone. They are ineligible for normal disability and their poor parents do everything they can but as we all know there is not a whole lot that can be done.


Senior Member
Outstanding comment from Maggie Warren:

Here's the bottom ilne from a physician of 21 years;
Chronic Fatigue syndrome is a bunch of cr@p. The people who "have it" will defend it till the end, to be validated as "sick human beings" and of course to get disability.

Fibromyalgia is a bunch of cr@p. But it is good for us doctors because it is codeword for "this is a crazy patient".

Most of these disabilities are absolute BS. Here is a hint; They don't have these disease in most other countries, ie, those who have what we call a "work ethic". These people will come on here and vehently defend their "illness", but they are all crazies and everyone who comes in contact with them knows it.

Can't say I feel sorry for teachers very often, but God Help them with this bunch.


Senior Member
Once again the facts get in the way of these awful statements.

The reality is that many of us continue to work even when it's not in our best interests. No choice really. My days off and afternoons are spent in bed to keep well enough to be able to continue.

My workmates have got used to my lying in a chair unable to stand and last week I spent 2 hours on the floor of our office with coats as a pillow as I couldn't drive home. What they don't understand is that this happens at home all the time.

My boss came down with ME/FM after me and has been off work for 10 months now, her previously good standard of living has taken a nosedive and she is dependent on her husband. Who would choose this?

I'm constantly been advised not to work but with a mortgage double my possible monthly disability payment, my workmates will continue to see our hidden reality.

Without WPI and their like, life would be hopeless.


Senior Member
Here's my comment. If folks would be willing to "Recommend" it, perhaps other readers will be more willing to look at the link.

Best, Lisa



It is true that the government has not yet officially accepted a laboratory test to diagnose CFS and that there is not yet consensus on the cause of the disease.

This does not mean that there is not abundant evidence in medical literature that CFS is a severe, physiological disease.

Before anyone else here makes a comment about how CFS sufferers are lazy or psychologically disturbed, I would like to request that they take at least a cursory look at the following. It has very brief summaries of more than 600 peer-reviewed articles from the medical literature, confirming a wide variety of specific medical abnormalities in the disease.

www dot tinyurl dot com /CFS-medical-abnormalities

(Sorry to have to spell this out. I had trouble with the WSJ spam filter.)

It is unfair to attack people (and especially children) who are ill out of ignorance, without knowing the facts.

If, after looking at this literature, folks feel that attacking people with CFS is the right thing to do, then by all means go ahead.


Lisa Petrison, Ph.D.


work in progress
N. California
MAGGIE WARREN'S COMMENT is so disgusting and predictable:

"Chronic Fatigue syndrome is a bunch of cr@p. The people who "have it" will defend it till the end, to be validated as "sick human beings" and of course to get disability.

Fibromyalgia is a bunch of cr@p. But it is good for us doctors because it is codeword for "this is a crazy patient". "

This unfortunately is what modern medicine is all about. So glad I steer clear of doctors.


Senior Member
northern Maine
'MAGGIE WARREN' is the name of nearly every doctor I've had to deal with for the past eight years. Maybe the next time I see a doctor, I should start with, "Is your name MAGGIE WARREN?"


Senior Member
NYC (& RI)
Wow, it looks like people who subscribe to WSJ, or at least comment on the articles are less mature than your average 4chan poster.

I made a comment.

I agree fully.

Reply to Maggie Warren, below. Ms. Davis' comment wasn't a dis. I am a disabled lawyer with ME ("CFS"). It is a devastating neuro-immune disease very similar to MS. MRIs and PET scans can help diagnose ME as well as they can MS, it is just that CDC lies and says they can't. CDC used to call MS 'hysterical paralysis', now after many decades of science and a senator who had a family member with MS going after them, they can't do that any more. ME has decades of real science (and decades of fake science from CDC and UK psychiatrists) behind it as well, but there is no senator with a relative with ME, so CDC gets to lie and say there are no biomarkers.

I represented many children in court in truancy cases, one of which was a child with atypical ME/"CFS." It's incredible the amount of stress that was placed upon this child and family by the school and court. She was sent to jail which made her disease worse.

This abuse is caused by CDC, NIH and the UK government lying about ME. It must stop.


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
Outstanding comment from Maggie Warren:

And if she'd said that about a person based on race or religion she'd get sued and lose her medicla licence

alas we didn't do an honest job 70 years ago, because of political BS, and execute the thousands of doctors who whole heartedly enjoyed murdering their patients, and left that as a memorial to the bigotted "doctors" of today as a warning.

Someone do us all a favour and post a link to Sophia Mirza's death certificate on that site, explain THAT one, you sick, sociopahtic, small-minded, pathetic scumbags!
Deep breath, markmc20001. Esther did not say she strongly agreed with that comment. I suspect you may have misunderstood her post.

Esther has been here a long some and clearly believes in ME -- read some of her 2000-some posts here at PR. I don't think she needs to explain to you why she is hanging out here; her history here speaks well enough.

OOOPS! possible misinterpretation. Thanks for pointing that out sickofcfs.


Too much caffine and brainfrog today.

All the propaganda lately makes me hit the roof, in case you haven't noticed.
I'm going to take a bath.



คภภเє ɠรค๓թєl
btw, I "liked" markmc200001's edited post, not his first version. (I saw from the next couple of posts what was going on and that he'd taken back some words when he figured out what esther meant)

the comment was evil, but I know esther12 was simply telling us about it and her "outstanding" was sarcastically meant


Senior Member
OOOPS! possible misinterpretation. Thanks for pointing that out sickofcfs.


Too much caffine and brainfrog today.

All the propaganda lately makes me hit the roof, in case you haven't noticed.

My fault too - I'm sure there are some people out there who do see such a comment as 'outstanding', and as that was my first post in this thread, I see how you could have got confused.