WPI to meet UK MPs May 19th - tell your MP to go!


Fine, thank you
This from the MEA website (with some links!), originally posted by Kate_UK on another thread. Tell your MP to go along!

British MPs are being invited to meet leading ME researchers at their main office block in Westminster on Thursday, 19 May.

Mrs Annette Whittemore and Dr Judy Mikovits, president and research director of the Whittemore Peterson Institute in Reno, Nevada, have accepted invitations to speak to the MPs in the Grimond Room at Portcullis House at 10.30am.

The invitations have come from the acting chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on ME, Annette Brooke MP, who says: The WPI have been involved in the research which has shown a possible link between a new human retrovirus (XMRV) and ME, and this would be a useful opportunity for members of the APPG to hear about the implications of the research.

The meeting will be limited to MPs, who are asked to contact the APPG Secretariat if they would like to attend.

Mrs Whittemore and Dr Mikovits will be in London to speak at the annual Invest in ME conference, Birdcage Walk, the following day (May 20). On May 22, Dr Mikovits will be at the Holiday Inn in Belfast at a meeting organised by the Newry and Mourne ME Support Group