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Wow! Must see video! David Wolfe with Lisa Garr (reishi mushrooms)


Senior Member
San Diego, CA

Lisa Garr's interview of David Wolfe!

David Wolfe shows Lisa Garr the reishi mushrooms he just harvested from his forest home in Canada. David discusses the properties of the reishi, why it is the queen of medicinal mushrooms and shows us the most beautiful reishi mushroom ever seen.
David Wolfe with Lisa Garr - The Aware Life Season 10

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Senior Member
San Diego, CA
Hey friends, I'm really sorry someone complained about my original post because they thought it was a solicitation. The above is not my post, but the moderator's edit. Nothing could be further from the truth than me trying to sell somebody something! I have no connection to Lisa Garr or David Wolfe... wish I did though! They are awesome people! I've benefitted soooo much from Lisa's Aware Show interviews! Does anyone else know of her? When I heard David's I knew I was onto something truly healing for myself, and I just had to share it in order to possibly help other pwc's!

For some reason the special offer of David's that I put in my original post was deleted.
