With having CVID a primary immune deficiency, Sicca or Sjogrens (autoimmune) and unable to take IGG to balance out the CVID, the answer from me is nope. Actually, "no way." My rheumatologist would love for me to be on it, but having the reaction to IGG that I did, it's not going to happen and he is adamant about that, too. It could be a grenade for me. Plus, I have MCAS probably due to this creepy and crazy immune system that attacks everything.
I am not thoroughly convinced of it (ritux) anyway....at least not for helping everyone. Clearly, it doesn't do that. So, again....if only they could unravel all subsets of people and get to the bottom of it for all of us. But...that's asking a lot.
So, I will just keep going along and waiting for more research, more trials, more findings....over the DECADES....LOL. I remember when Ampligen was the holy grail that everyone wanted...I guess this is the next big thing. Wonder what will be next and will it be approved for CFS?