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Would positive xmrv = a DIAGNOSIS?

I know that some are hesitant to ask their insurance to pay for the lab tests and others are afraid to post their xmrv test results. I think this fear is either fear of being labeled with the XMRV diagnosis or fear of falling through the cracks because of no diagnosis.

At this point I don't think that a positive xmrv result would make a person's diagnosis XMRV. Would it be considered just another piece of the puzzle, with XMRV being considered an opportunistic infection? Any thoughts on this?

Alice Band

PWME - ME by Ramsay
It's more what insurance companies and society would do to me based on what happened to people who were HIV+ in the early days. We are all in different positions and will have different reasons of course.

A few years ago I had a major problem with an insurance company and will seriously think before putting anything serious on my medical records. ME is already there.

When I was physically able to work ME was considered a "joke" at times and I remember the disparaging comments from people at work and in social situations. If I was ever to work again I'd not release this to people.

There have been times as well (when ME being infectious had publicity) where people have pulled back from me - no always in a nice or tactful way.

I remember my early HIV+ friends didn't want to kiss or hug me (for their own safety) and I quite understand that.

I'm in the UK.