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Tony Mach

Show me the evidence.
Upper Palatinate, Bavaria
I dont like working.

You know what I don't like? I don't like being unable able to work fully. And I don't like that I am forced to work under these circumstances. I would LOVE to be better able to do something, do something productive, something with my brain, something with my hands. Oh well, I will have to better carefully pace the few mental and physical energy I have, do the best I can with what I got. And maybe someday science will find a way to give me back more of my life. Oh well. :)


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I dont like working.
i know what you mean gavman, there is no life outside of work but resting and being motivated to work is hard when there isnt much petrol in the tank and what keeps u going is to stop the bank from repossessing your home and providing for your family, going on disability and going through all the drama involved would leave you on the street until if/it or was approved. I also understand those that cant work wanting to work, i dont think either options with cfs are much of a life. Until cfs is recognised as a real illness i think getting any sort of pension will be hard to get. We all have different circumstances and for me being the bread winner with a family makes things hard for me. cheers!!


Senior Member
It must be really hard for those who are able to keep themselves working, desperate to avoid the madness of the benefits system, but are so ill that they've had to sacrifice everything else. Good luck to all those CFSers still managing to work in 2012 - I'm afraid that the changes to the benefit system mean that you're less likely than ever to be able to receive any support from the state. Hopefully the way that CFS is treated is now starting to change.


Senior Member
I like working but don't like being dependent on it - in any sense - be it time limited or money limited by your job. I even think that is what made me sick - the stress I experienced when I first started working.
New York, USA
Where on the opposite pole buddy, I feel like dying whenever Im doing nothing I mean not working. Maybe you do not yet found the right works that fit for you, something inclined in your interest.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I used to love my work but really hated having to work when I was really too ill to be doing so (so stuffing everything up at work and making myself sicker by doing it).

One thing I noticed not being able to work done for me.. is it made me feel useless there for a long time and caused me a loss of confidence (like as if I wasnt as good as previously). Not being able to work makes one have to go throu a huge adjustment as we often judge ourselves on the things we do and our success.

Its hard to feel like a successful person when one just cant work.


Senior Member
I love working, it's resting that's always been hard for me.

That said, I would hate working when I could barely do my job due to exhaustion and cognitive dysfunction and if it was all I could do -- work, sleep, work, sleep. Now I tutor from home a couple hours a day which is just about right. If I had to do more, I think I'd hate every minute of it (and so would my students :D)


Senior Member
I hate work because no one you work with ever get that your ill all the time, and you dont just 'get over it', etc.
I hate work because it take all my energy just to go in and earn to pay the bills when all i feel like doing is staying in bed forever.
When i have time off work im very hard on myself about it and feel guilty because I come from a family of hard workers.
If I have to quit work I hope I can find something that helps my health or at least helps pay the bills because Id hate to be a burden on my wife.

I think if anyone here wins the lotto that would be awesome. I dream of it often!

Sometimes I wonder whterh id be better doing something active rather than sedentary.


Senior Member
I personally like working and being productive. I don't however like the stress I experience in my work environment. The number and frequency of supervisor, policy and staffing adjustments has gotten ridiculous where I work. To many gossips, vipers and slackers. I wasn't like that three years ago though. Not saying the job was paradise, nor that I never experienced stress but that was nothing compared to now.

It doesn't help that my current supervisor thinks she knows FM because her sister has FM and sleep problems. She told me my FM and sleep problems are a "Mental state" "There's to much going on in your subconscious." "You need to have a sleep study done, then you would see." "My sister had one. They hook all these wires up to you and can see whats going on in your mind. They'll see all your thoughts. :rolleyes: They'll see all the activity in your head, that's what it is." The funny thing is my supervisor and her sister no longer speak "My sister is like you she didn't want to accept that it was in her head either." Gee I wonder why? :rolleyes:

But again I like working and being productive. But If I win several million in a big Powerball or Mega Millions lottery jackpot I'm out of there as soon as the monies in the bank. :D