work and rest


Senior Member
I barely qualify as working, since I've only been at it for about a month and it has been spotty.

I know I still would not be able to work say a 3 hour shift, 3x a week at a variety store or a shop, even if the work was light and customers were few.

My only option at this point is working at home, when I am up to it, determining my own hours. So I found a few freelance writing jobs online.

The first one doesn't actually pay any money but it gives me exposure for my website which has very little traffic on its own yet (only 2 months old). I like this gig and I'm keeping it, money or no money. :D

I had two very short-lived copywriting jobs that paid a penny and a penny and a half, respectively, a word. This is the bargain basement of entry level copywriting. Only do it if you have NO resume (which was me).

One has no work availabe right now and the other, I had mixed feelings about continuing with.

At present, I'm writing for another website, which also only pays a penny a word, but I have a byline, a profile and a photo on there so it makes me feel more like a real writer. And apparently they will take as many articles as I can dish out, as fast as I can dish 'em out.

I'm looking for more work on top of this, because as it turns out, I am able to spend more time at this, and am doing better at it, than I'd hoped.:)

My only advice at this early stage of the game is advice I need to take myself.

Take some breaks. Write for awhile (or whatever other home business you might have) and step away from it for awhile. Don't ignore that head fog or fatigue, or sore joints, or ... you know what I'm talking about.

That's it. That's the totality of my advice for now.

Rest. Oh, and enjoy it if you can. Milk the thing for all you can get out of it. :D