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Woman 'with ME' won world kickboxing champs


as long as you manage to stay alive, there's hope
Might get some more media reports along these lines. Like......'ME patient wins London marathon in record time'.
I hope not, please... this article is disinformation, I feel sorry for wathever disease this woman has or had, but it almost certanly wasn't ME, not even a mild case. But if it is indeed a mild case of ME and he has a supreme force of will, her doctor or anybody should strongly advise her that if he continues excerting his body that way, she´s going to end with severe me. Before having my ME diagnosis, when I had "mild" ME, I overexerted myself using a bike to go to work, now I've got "moderate" ME thanks to that and I can't barely use a bike, getting PEM even after 10 blocks, and I used to do 80 blocks per day... if only somebody whould have told me the consequences...


Senior Member
Trump via twitter.... 'Crawley, you're hired!'
Maybe not. He has a son with autism and he is well aware you can’t wish that away. He may be rather weak on science, but then so is pretty much every politician, at least speaking of modern politicians.
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Senior Member
Bega Valley , Australia
Not worthy of The Times. (Unless I have the wrong idea living in Oz and never having read it). Have they gone tabloid ?

Sort of looks like they chucked in 'another obstacle' just to make this woman's achievement "EVEN MORE AMAZING!!"


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
ME/CFS is also a diagnosis of exclusion.
This is not true. From the Institute Medicine:

Over the years, case definitions of ME/CFS have differed significantly in their classification of exclusionary conditions and comorbidities. As a result, a number of disorders, such as morbid obesity and an array of psychiatric disorders, are listed as exclusionary in one definition and as comorbid in another, despite the lack of scientific evidence that being affected by such disorders precludes having ME/CFS.

Indeed, it has become increasingly clear that many patients with ME/CFS have other disorders as well, some of which—including fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, metabolic syndrome, sleep disorders, and depression—may have symptoms that overlap with those of ME/CFS (Buchwald and Garrity, 1994; Johnson et al., 1996; Maloney et al., 2010). Some of these other disorders may develop as part of the spectrum of ME/CFS or in response to the burdens of this disorder.

The committee decided against developing a comprehensive list of potential comorbid conditions, but it points to conditions that clinicians may wish to consider that have been identified by the International Consensus Criteria for ME (ME-ICC) and CCC, including fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, temporomandibular joint syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, interstitial cystitis, irritable bladder syndrome, Raynaud's phenomenon, prolapsed mitral valve, depression, migraine, allergies, multiple chemical sensitivities, Sicca syndrome, obstructive or central sleep apnea, and reactive depression or anxiety.

In the section on pain in Chapter 5, the committee discusses the presence of fibromyalgia in patients with ME/CFS. The lack of rigorous studies assessing how ME/CFS patients with fibromyalgia differ from those without fibromyalgia and from patients with fibromyalgia who do not meet criteria for ME/CFS prevents a complete understanding of how these two entities differ. However, the available literature shows that differences between them exist. In addition to the evidence presented in Chapter 5, Cook and colleagues (2012) found that patients with ME/CFS + fibromyalgia showed cardiopulmonary changes during submaximal exercise that differentiated them from controls; the ME/CFS-only group did not show these effects. Also, an analysis of sleep records showed very different results for the two study groups: those with ME/CFS alone had a significantly higher probability of transitioning from rapid eye movement (REM) sleep to wakefulness relative to the ME/CFS + fibromyalgia group; the latter group, on the other hand, showed both sleep pressure and sleep disruption—increased transitions from wakefulness to light sleep and increased transitions from deep to lighter sleep or wakefulness, respectively (Kishi et al., 2011). More research in this area is clearly needed.

The committee recognizes that diagnosis and treatment of comorbid conditions are necessary when caring for patients. For example, a patient with ME/CFS with a prominent history of snoring and sleep apnea may have polysomnography diagnostic of sleep apnea. Treatment with continuous positive airway pressure could improve the patient's overall condition but not resolve all the symptoms of ME/CFS, signifying that in this individual, obstructive sleep apnea is a comorbid condition rather than the cause of the patient's ME/CFS symptoms.


Senior Member
This is the UK where sadly she may have been diagnosed without even a physical examination. It's not uncommon to meet newly diagnosed people here who have never heard of POTs or PEM as an example


Senior Member
South east England
Yes that does happen. But according to the Gov spokesman in the Lords, CFS should not be given as a diagnosis until other things have been ruled out. The Medics dont do this.
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