withdrawal of helpful treatment

I found a treatment that helped my CFS, eczema and headaches a lot, unfortunately the practioner decided to stop treating me, without providing a reason. I have since had a relapse and tried other acupuncturists who trained at the same place as my previous one without success.

I believe that it was something related to Covid, although i still don't understand why. I have begged her to take me back, offered to follow any protocols necessary, but have just been ignored.

I am desperate to get better, and it hurts a lot, that i have finally found a helpful treatment, only to be refused to be treated.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to approach tackling this issue and being treated again?


Senior Member
Also exactly why the treatments were stopped. Some things have a certain lifespan and a change has to be made. Perhaps that's what happened.

I'm sorry that you found something magical and you can't access it. Perhaps someone has some ideas that may help. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
I also considered asking why, but if the practitioner wasn't open about that, there might be a reason. Maybe her lawyer warned her about lawsuits from PWME, or some other such thing. I'd ask, but I wouldn't press too much. If it's a 'can't talk about it' issue, she might be willing to mention off-hand some unique aspect of her treatment that might allow another practitioner to duplicate it. Then again, maybe it's her 'secret herbs&spices' and she's planning to patent it or whatever. Then you're out of luck.

It's very disappointing when something you appreciate disappears. I've had lots of products I liked, which disappeared or became "New and Improved!" ... and not worth buying.
Maybe ask the first practitioner exactly which points or other specifics he used?

I obtained my patient notes, unfortunately this didn't seem to help my treatment with another. The acupuncturist talked about their special recipe, which doesn't fill me with confidence that others will be able to replicate it, which has bared out so far over the treatments.

They also haven't provided me with any help to get treatment after they decided to stop treating, barring their legal responsibility of providing me with my notes.
Also exactly why the treatments were stopped. Some things have a certain lifespan and a change has to be made. Perhaps that's what happened.

I'm sorry that you found something magical and you can't access it. Perhaps someone has some ideas that may help. Yours, Lenora

I don't know why they were stopped, that is very confusing for me.

The only reasoning i can come up with is that she percieved me as a covid risk, which is weak at best, especially as it is in her notes that i have never done lots of sociallising, which limits my possibility of catching covid. Shown by how i have avoided catching it.

In the last appointment i used public transport to see her and was going on holiday the following week. Although these were well within the guidelines, being in the summer of 2021, just before all covid rules were removed.

It is safe to say i am left hurt and clueless as to why i have been treated this way, especially as after she said she didn't want to treat me, any offer to go the extra mile to minimise any possible covid risk was just ignored. I also believe my youngish age counted against me.

It is just a horrible situation. I am seeing my Dr tomorrow and i am going to ask them to petition on my behalf to resume treatment.