Presenting Symptoms (in order of severity):
I've been slowly realizing trying to treat this on my own is getting me nowhere. Although I'm planning to continue to take certain supplements, etc...I really need some advice on specific avenues of treatment I can go down. I know I'm very lucky, because my family is able to help me. Between my life-long SCT/ADD and possible CFS, it's very difficult for me to research things and make sense of them. I'm 24 now, and don't believe my type of illness will have a remission or anything like that.
I may have pots. I often get really adreniline-y when I move around. I haven't been tested for this.
I read this book called "It's Not Mental" about a girl with mental illness who found out her illness was biological (which I can relate to, having anxiety) and was interested in seeing the doctor she saw. But I saw he was an endocrinologist who treated with hormones, but to my mind that's not treating the cause. The Whittemore Peterson Institute (where he used to work) then recommended Dr. De Meirleir. I was interested in seeing him, but then read that there was a subset with neurological ME that I think didn't respond as well to treatment? I know he works on the gut, and I still do have dysbiosis and leaky gut, even after having fecal transplants. But on the other hand, I think my illness has a strong neurological component.
Any other ideas of what could help me? I was thinking of trying Freddd's Methylation protocol (am heterogenous on 2 methylation genes). And have just started resistant starch to try and feed the good bacteria in my gut. I also just started taking glutathione, since I react to many supplements with increased anxiety.
Also, for those who may know, how much can dr. de meirleir help autoiumme illnesses? I have genetics that make it likelier than normal I'll get autoimmune disease, and I have 3 people in my family tree who had/have progressive MS. Due to the decreased sensation all over my body...and in other, ahem, parts...I suspect it may be the case that this is autoimmune. But, I'm really open to any doctor, as long as there seems to be a good chance they can help. I will probably e-mail my profile to De Meirleir's secretary, and hope she might forward it to him. Will most doctors accept e-mails?
I figured this would be the place to ask for help. My current doctor doesn’t seem to think much of my symptoms (they did just test me for CMV and EBV which were negative), and now I’m annoyed to go again because they’ll just write everything off since nothing on normal tests is wrong. Do the specialist doctors usually give you a report to give to your GP... like special considerations they should have for you?
Also, any other ideas for me that I can do on my own? I was thinking of trying to sleep in my backyard in a tent for a while (don’t know how long til I’d know) to see if it would help.
- Loss of memory and concentration (worse in high school and beyond)
- Fatigue (worse in high school and beyond)
- Loss of ability to become sexually aroused (no feeling with direct clitoral stimulation) (worse in high school and beyond), female erectile dysfunction
- Unrefreshing sleep. And sleep a long time (10+ hours) and then have trouble waking up early if I have to (and will sleep through needing to pee, loud alarms)
- Decreased sensation in skin all over body (noticed in high school)
- Headaches
- Nose inflammation and some congestion (congestion worse in childhood)
- Allergies (year round since age 4-5 causing mucus production in throat to the point it interfered with sleep and bad nasal congestion...this has mysteriously gone away totally, except for some congestion)
- Dark circles under eyes
- Hashimoto’s autoimmune disease (but normal thyroid levels)
- Shallow breathing
- Bladder voiding difficulty
- Heart & circulation (high triglycerides and angina a couple times in the past year)
- Gluten intolerance or sensitivity, possible Celiac Disease (has celiac gene and some symptoms)
- Smelly breath, dry mouth (might be due to breathing through mouth too much)
- Anxiety, chest pain, and over the past year chest pain in the pattern of angina (on rare occasions when stressed)
- Nobody seems to think much of this, but I think it's relevant...I haven't been sick in over 10 years. I've always thought that may be because my immune system is under or over-activated. Last time was after a short, flu-like illness halfway through eighth grade. Noticed some of the above symptoms starting to occur afterwards.
I've been slowly realizing trying to treat this on my own is getting me nowhere. Although I'm planning to continue to take certain supplements, etc...I really need some advice on specific avenues of treatment I can go down. I know I'm very lucky, because my family is able to help me. Between my life-long SCT/ADD and possible CFS, it's very difficult for me to research things and make sense of them. I'm 24 now, and don't believe my type of illness will have a remission or anything like that.
I may have pots. I often get really adreniline-y when I move around. I haven't been tested for this.
I read this book called "It's Not Mental" about a girl with mental illness who found out her illness was biological (which I can relate to, having anxiety) and was interested in seeing the doctor she saw. But I saw he was an endocrinologist who treated with hormones, but to my mind that's not treating the cause. The Whittemore Peterson Institute (where he used to work) then recommended Dr. De Meirleir. I was interested in seeing him, but then read that there was a subset with neurological ME that I think didn't respond as well to treatment? I know he works on the gut, and I still do have dysbiosis and leaky gut, even after having fecal transplants. But on the other hand, I think my illness has a strong neurological component.
Any other ideas of what could help me? I was thinking of trying Freddd's Methylation protocol (am heterogenous on 2 methylation genes). And have just started resistant starch to try and feed the good bacteria in my gut. I also just started taking glutathione, since I react to many supplements with increased anxiety.
Also, for those who may know, how much can dr. de meirleir help autoiumme illnesses? I have genetics that make it likelier than normal I'll get autoimmune disease, and I have 3 people in my family tree who had/have progressive MS. Due to the decreased sensation all over my body...and in other, ahem, parts...I suspect it may be the case that this is autoimmune. But, I'm really open to any doctor, as long as there seems to be a good chance they can help. I will probably e-mail my profile to De Meirleir's secretary, and hope she might forward it to him. Will most doctors accept e-mails?
I figured this would be the place to ask for help. My current doctor doesn’t seem to think much of my symptoms (they did just test me for CMV and EBV which were negative), and now I’m annoyed to go again because they’ll just write everything off since nothing on normal tests is wrong. Do the specialist doctors usually give you a report to give to your GP... like special considerations they should have for you?
Also, any other ideas for me that I can do on my own? I was thinking of trying to sleep in my backyard in a tent for a while (don’t know how long til I’d know) to see if it would help.