Wifi123, I don't doubt your illness, but some of your statements are outlandish, and seem quite unreliable. In particular:
EHS sufferers .... have no sheaths left on their nerve ends.
Where did you get that statement from? Presumably there are studies that demonstrate that EHS sufferers have no sheaths left on their nerve ends?
... the increase of ME/CFS/FMS sufferers, and even some people who believe they have Lymes Disease has come about by the proliferation of the airways with microwave emissions. This I know
How do you know this? Can you provide any scientific studies that prove this, or even any studies that suggest this might be a possibility?
SO, if ME/CFS is a central nervous system disorder, and RF can caused cancer, then why can't it cause ME/CFS/FMS and even Lymes Disease and MS?
There is no such logic that goes: X causes cancer, therefore X must be able to cause CFS, Lyme and MS. It is a
non sequitur. Just because something causes one bad thing does not automatically means it causes all other bad things.
When I was diagnosed ME/CFS they didn’t have the Karnofsky scale.
That is neither here nor there. You can still tell me what level of health you had at that time, as described by the Karnofsky scale. Were you able to work? Were you housebound with fatigue? Were you bedbound with fatigue? It is very simple to state you level of disability on the Karnofsky scale .
You also did not yet answer the question of how quick you got full remission after you switched off your DECT and WiFi.
I worked amongst the military communications field for many-many years, and worked amongst the highly powerful transmitters, HF and microwave. While serving in Vietnam my health deteriorated toward the end of my tour
Isn't it also possible that you were exposed to
Agent Orange during your time in Vietnam? Agent Orange was used copiously there, and a quick check I just did reveals that there are lots of illnesses associated with Agent Orange. See here:
Veterans' Diseases Associated with Agent Orange
It seems that many people exposed to Agent Orange develop
peripheral neuropathy afterwards.
The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy are shown here:
Peripheral neuropathy - DoctorMyhill
Might this be what you have, peripheral neuropathy? If so, two very useful supplements to take for peripheral neuropathy are benfotiamine 150 mg twice daily, and vitamin B12 5000 mcg, taken as a sublingual tablet, slowly dissolved under the tongue. These can help fix any tingling or pins and needles in the nerves.
Don't assume that you have ME/CFS just because a doctor once diagnosed you with it 40 years ago. Many medical conditions, especially ME/CFS, are very hard to diagnose accurately, and so doctors often get it wrong, even with their best efforts. You have to keep an open mind, and consider other possibilities.
The first day my wife turned ON her new cell phone my life did a 180-degree turn, and my ME/CFS symptoms began to reappear. Even then I didn’t realise it was the cell phone, until one day she turned it ON, and I felt this tingling sensation all over my body, and I could feel ants crawling up my legs.
This tingling sensation all over your body, and the "ants crawling up my legs" are a typical symptom of peripheral neuropathy. You should read more about peripheral neuropathy.
My symptoms ebbed in and out, over the next decade ... then I moved away from the highly density suburbia life to an extreme country life for 2 ½ years and it all disappeared.
Another interpretation of this could be that you have multiple chemical sensitivity. If you moved to a country house or accommodation that was only made from natural materials like wood, then you probably would have not been exposed to the myriad chemicals that modern building materials emit.
Hi Hip, any form of Wireless computer has a wireless card, the earlier notebooks and an ON/OFF switch to turn the wirelss OFF, but the wirless card still transmits
Next you will be telling me that you have to thrust a wooden stake through the heart of the wireless card, or shoot the wireless card with a silver bullet, in order to stop it!
When you switch off your WiFi option on your computer, I am pretty sure it cuts the powder to the WiFi card, so the whole WiFi circuit is dead.
Anyway, it was you who originally said that you you got full remission from your illness once you disabled your wireless and unplugged your cordless phone.
But now you would have me believe that the wireless card still transmits even if you turn it off. You are contradicting yourself.
In general, much of what you write seems a little tinged with fear and anxiety, if you don't mind me saying.
There is also a negative tinge to lots of your statements. This can be a sign of depression. I am not denying that you may have electrical sensitivities, but the way you describe the situation is almost like a science fiction horror movie: this insidious, invisible electrical evil that permeates everything, and comes out of everything.
I think you also may be reading too many junk websites online — websites that state things without evidence or proof. I think your outlook would improve if you were a bit more skeptical about what you read, rather than just assume it all to be true without any reliable evidence.
Also consider trying out a few antidepressants. I found these very useful when I was suffering depression. Though you have to try different types before you get one that suits. The first antidepressant I tried made me feel suicidal, so I had to stop it immediately.