I have so appreciated hearing everyone's responses. I would have to say, though, that during my "red alert" or "tense" or "wired" episodes, I do not feel motivated, or full of energy. I just feel like my body is under a physical type of stress, and it is enough to make me know that something is very wrong...and there is no energy to be motivated. But, it interesting to hear different variations of this in others.
I do have palpitations and I do get tachycardia. I have had my heart checked out by a cardiologist, and continue to do this on a regular basis. Machair, make sure you see a cardiologist too, if you haven't already.
I'm fairly certain that my red alert has something to do with my immune system sensing a pathogen. I say this because, my red alert went away as my antibody titers to Coxsackie B3, B4 and B5 dropped. Then the red alert increased when I was put on a double dose of acyclovir (and had die-off). Then when I had a flare, which looks like it was due to EBV reactivation (based on labs), I felt the red alert again.
Best, Timaca